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6 Daily Habits for a Healthier, Happier You!

6 Daily Habits for a Healthier, Happier You!

Everyone wants to know the secret to live a healthy and long life, but it is not something you can achieve overnight. You have to actively take care of both your physical and mental health if you want to live a healthy life. For instance, you cannot ignore your mental health and focus only on your physical needs. Our brains need a break too.

It might not be easy to change your lifestyle all over, but one can always try to lead a better life. You will have to put your time and effort into adopting new habits and sticking to them. If you want a healthy change in your lifestyle, you need to make better life choices and keep implementing them in your daily life.

Our habits can have a huge impact on our overall health, and here are some habits that will help you take your next healthy step.

1. Keep on Moving

Human beings were meant to move. It’s how we evolved and got to the place where we are right now. Physical movement is basic for the development of the bones, muscles and maintaining our body system.

When we quit moving, we get lazy and lose stamina, movement, balance, and bone strength which can have long-lasting results. You don’t have to be a fitness freak or an athlete to stay fit; any physical activity will do.

We utilize our bodies in every way possible, so our physical activities should reflect our lifestyle. The more kinds of physical movement you do and the more boosted your stamina will be, thus the healthier you will be. Try to incorporate different exercises that work on all your body parts to keep them active.

Your body is your most significant resource, and you only get one chance, so it’s better to be safe than sorry. The ideal approach to deal with it is to build up the will-power for exercising consistently. There are several physical activities for anyone to choose from; you can find one that suits you best. Whether, it’s going to the park for a 30-minute walk or joining a gym. Keep moving!

Exercise releases endorphins, so when you feel good inside, you will feel great outside. Your body will be in the perfect shape to tackle any issues.

2. Healthy Nourishment

Our bodies run on fuel; we provide ourselves all the required nutrients needed to function. Having a healthy and fully nourishing diet plan gives you more energy and expands your possibilities and mindset.

Think of it like this; you fill up your car’s tank to get it running. The more high-quality fuel you use, the better mileage you get. What we eat reflects on how healthy we are.

We can’t expect that our bodies to do their best when we are not providing them the means. You don’t need to focus on a simple low-calorie diet to be healthy. Instead, you need to make sure you’re filling every requirement of your body by taking your protein intake, vegetables, fruits, and some cravings once a while.

Changing your diet can be hard, but you can start by making small changes in your routine and cutting off the things that have been harmful to you. Add more nutritional-filled meals and eat a little bit of everything. Your body needs all kinds of vitamins and minerals, so you have to keep a balance.

3. Prioritize Sleep

Just like our bodies need rest to function normally, our brain needs rest too. It’s very important to get a good night’s sleep every day so you can give yourself a break your body needs. A minimum of 8 hours of sleep per night has been recommended because it regenerates your body and mind and gets you started for a new day.

Due to lack of sleep, we can fall prey to various health problems because our bodies will be tired and won’t have any energy to fight back. A bad sleeping schedule can weaken your immune system because you keep overworking and not giving your body the proper rest it needs. This can lead to a lot of mental and physical problems.

When we are asleep after a long day of work, our minds get the time to relax, recover and generate essential chemicals needed for us to function. Sleep gives you the chance to get your energy back and go back out in the world. Lack of sleep can cause difficulty in concentrating, loss of appetite, and stress. All this leads to an unhealthy lifestyle that no one wants.

4. Keep Your Mental Health in Check

Your brain is the most complex organ that means your brain needs a healthy lifestyle of its own. Just like you can’t expect a sick person to do any work, a person with poor mental health also does not have the means to do any work. When your mental health is constantly tested, and you are under pressure, then your brain can go through a lot as a result.

Constant stress and responsibilities can lead to a person feeling burnt-out. Everyone needs a little break to stay relaxed and sharper. It has been proved that stress can cause a lot of physical symptoms that might turn serious if left untreated. You need to give yourself a break and figure out what is causing the stress in your life.

Some people prefer meditating. You can find mediation apps, or go on YouTube to discover many different meditations and calming music. Whichever way you prefer, unwind and refresh your mind to live healthily.

5. Build Connections

Human beings are social animals, and that’s why human interaction is the key to living a healthy and happy life. You cannot spend a great life completely cut off from the people around you. Every person needs a companion in their life who helps them feel better.

Being social beings, we need constant connection with fellow human beings to fulfill some of our needs. When you build connections, you form a community, and you’re a part of it. It makes you feel like you belong somewhere and provides you with emotional support. This is essential if you want to deal with your worries and focus more on being happy.

The people in your life can help you learn, give your memorable experiences and listen to you. It helps a lot if someone is facing mental health problems because we all need someone to listen.

6. Brain Health

What do we mean when we talk about brain health? Mental health is part of it, but brain health is about eating right, taking proper supplements, and brain exercises. Meaning, if you can every day, or several times a week, do something to exercise your mind. These can include memory games, word games, math problems, puzzles, or reading. All of these will exercise your brain, keep your memory healthy, and are also very enjoyable! Have a friend join you to make it a social event for healthy connection.

Here’s to a Healthier and Happier You!

Living a healthy and happy life takes a lot of work because it means letting go of your old and unhealthy habits. These habits will not only make your life better but will also improve your future by saving you from any health problems that you might face.

Living recklessly and not taking care of yourself can lead to long-term health problems. It’s important to listen to your body and brain and give them what they need. The only way you can be healthy and happy is by building a new lifestyle for yourself. Make it fun and enjoy the process.

What are your tips and tricks for a happy and healthier you? Share with us in the comments at the bottom of this page. We want to hear from you!

Author bio: Myrah Abrar is a computer science graduate with a passion for web development, the Muslim Pro app, and digital marketing. She writes blog articles for Muslims & Quran.

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  1. Kathy Klein says:

    I found an app that has helped me exercise my brain daily quick easy games to stimulate different skills that some times fade away with out use. Speed reading, measurements, grammar ect. It’s called ELEVATE and it’s available at the App Store with a 7 day free trial. It also has an associated App for meditation that I got free for a year! I really enjoy it and it incentivize you to practice neglected skills.

  2. Bonnie says:

    Dear Honey,
    I totally agree with your 6 habits for staying healthy….
    1. I keep moving by walking outdoors twice a week, and I have a personal trainer for strength training exercises twice a week.
    2. I get healthy nourishment through a program called NOOM….it keeps me aware of the kind of foods I’m putting into my body.
    3. I prioritize sleep by getting what my body requires which is 8-9 hours.
    4. I keep my mental health in check by listening to soothing music, reading or just being.
    5. I build connections by staying in touch with family and friends through phone calls, text, etc.
    6. I keep my brain healthy by playing online Scrabble with friends in two different states, and also take vitamin supplements to feed my brain.
    Thank you for this article, I’m feeling accomplished! Hugs, Bonnie

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