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6 Ways to Lessen the Socially Distanced Gap Between You and Your Loved Ones

Let’s Learn 6 Ways to Lessen the Socially Distanced Gap Between You and Your Loved Ones this Holiday Season…

6 Ways to Lesson the Socially Distanced Gap Between You and Your Loved Ones

The virus has hit so many people in so many different ways. Whether it is a lack of sports or a lack of friends, etc. For some people, they can’t even see their loved ones. Also, being alone for long periods of time can be really taxing on mental health. The pandemic has taken so much from so many innocent people. 

But, the most taxing thing that most people have had to deal with is the absence of their loved ones. Being alone is hard enough, but for those people who are in a deep relationship but are not living with their significant other, it is extremely taxing. However, there are some strategies to lessen that six-foot gap that you should keep between you and your significant other. 

Facetime and Zoom

Technology today is a gift. There is nothing like it in the history of the world. The amount of technological strides our world has taken in such a short amount of time is unprecedented. But, some people refused to use the resources at his fingertips– zoom calls, google meet, adobe connect, the list goes on and on. 

Instead of using these resources that are right at their fingertips, people would rather complain about how they can’t see other people. Instead of complaining about what you can’t do, make a facetime call to someone you love for an hour, and try using an anagram solver. What else do you have to do?

Little Things 

Small acts of kindness go a long way in times of trouble. Your significant other could be having a particularly bad day, and a small card in the mail could completely turn their day around. Being alone is extremely difficult, but doing these small things makes it feel as if someone is still there

You know that you have people out there who care about you during this time if these small acts are done. Leave a box of chocolates outside someone’s door, wear a mask of course. Just make it known that you care about these people through small acts of kindness.

Calling and Texting 

It sounds juvenile and too easy to make a real difference, but sending the people you care about a simple text and call could make or break their day. If they don’t hear from you they could be worried and sad and lonely, but if you shoot them a quick good morning message and ask them how they have been it might change their whole perspective. 

Giving someone a quick phone call is something that was oftentimes overlooked considering everyone you really wanted to talk to you could say it to them in person. Developing the habit of giving people you care about a quick ring is something that could benefit even after the virus has gotten under control. 

Ask People How They Feel

Sometimes people just are not doing well. Especially in these times of trouble, asking people how they are feeling is really important. If somebody is not doing well and they need someone to talk to about it, be that person. The conversations you have with people may be limited so really make them count. 

Being an option for people to express themselves and vent is huge in this time of distress, Having someone you care about to talk to can be the difference between a mental breakdown or a healthy conversation and relationship. Learning about one another from these hardships can be accomplished this way. 

Socially Distant Gatherings

Have you seen the new McDonald’s commercial where it is a group of kids sitting in a circle, six feet apart, having a picnic? Even though that does look corny, it is much better than being alone. Having human interactions, even from a distance is much better than no human interaction at all. 

Picnics, walks, bike rides, and anything that you can get outside to feel the fresh air while maintaining six feet and wearing face coverings is a great idea. Not only is it mentally healthy to get out and see other people, but it is also great for your physical well being to get outside and exercise. 

Online Group Games 

If you browse the internet for fun things to do late at night, you might run across games that can be played, in a group, but online. These aren’t the type of games that you would think to find– the hardcore gamer games. These are the types of games you can play with cards, with your buddies, at the house. 

For example, if you want to have a poker night with your friends, instead of risking everyone’s health and wellbeing, hope on an online poker site and have your buddies join in, get a group facetime going, and have a ball. If you want to make things really interesting, most of the online poker sites play with real money. 

Overall, this virus has put many people through their toughest trials and tribulations. 

Even though this has been hard for people to deal with, not seeing their friends and family, the mental toughness it takes to be by yourself, and the stipulations of being out in public. But in every dark cloud, there is a silver lining. 

There is much to be learned throughout these tough times. There are several coping strategies and techniques that can be learned from these unfortunate events. Being able to knock down walls instead of creating new ones is a very important life lesson that can be learned from all of this. Instead of making new problems or using the excuse of the virus, find ways around it, and come up with solutions. 

How are you staying in touch with your loved ones during this Holiday season? Let us know in the comments at the bottom of this page. 

Kiley took the big leap from working a 9-5 to quitting, getting out her laptop, and becoming a freelancer. Since then, she has found her passion in writing valuable, informative lifestyle and travel articles. After Traveling for years, she knows just how valuable a quick how-to guide can be for readers. Which is why she contributes guest posts to various blogs. 


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November 25, 2020

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  1. Gwen Merker says:

    When I see people stressed out about not being with family on a holiday because of suggested restrictions I feel they’re being very selfish as there are people in hospitals and nursing homes that can never get a visit or service people serving overseas and can’t spend face to face time with family and folks who have to work on the holidays.

  2. Bonnie says:

    I had planned to fly to Georgia to be with my youngest daughter and family, but decided to cancel my trip because of the rise in COVID at this time. It was a wise decision, so instead we will be doing a Zoom get-together. Yes, technology is such a good choice to see and hear your loved ones, and to keep all of you safe. I do miss the hugs!! Happy Thanksgiving

  3. Thank you for your blog post. Really Cool.

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