Rejection hurts, but it can have a positive effect if you can remember that it is generally the other person or groups of people that have a problem.
Therefore, consider your choices before you fall apart. Of course, at the time you are experiencing the sting of unacceptance, you will naturally experience unpleasant feelings; sadness, dismay, anger, loss, fear, loneliness, and even invisibility. Why? Because everyone needs a community of well-minded people in their lives to survive.
When you are faced with rejection, take a deep breath and focus only on your self-worth. Use your positive resources; wisdom, experience, knowledge, and principles. Concentrate on valuing who you are and not on what the perpetrator tried to do to you. In other words, darling, never sell yourself short. Sell them short.
There Are Many Types of Rejection
There are many types of rejection; some far worse than others. Let’s deal with rejection by other people today.
During the several passages of life from childhood through grandmother-hood, we take ‘hits’ that disarm us and even cut us to our core. Some of these hits come from our beautiful tapestry of relationships. You may feel the sting of rejection in the workplace or with a girlfriend, or your life partner, and even when you are in a group setting. You may even experience rejection by your own children.
I know how much rejection hurts because I have experienced it. So I can attest that if you let a person disarm you, the experience is emotionally overwhelming.
Why Rejection Happens to Women Over 50
Remember that rejection is usually associated with a person, group, organization, or a country wanting to lord power in some form. For example, another woman looks up to you but peer pressure from her comrades overrules her sound judgment. And, vice versa. The group likes you and the woman, a leader in the group, sees you as a threat and wants you out. Or, possibly you were passed over at a job you had your heart set on, or you retired early after being a dedicated employee for several years. There are adult children who decide to ostracize their parents from their lives, and of course, the spouse who wants a divorce.
I Don’t Have All The Answers
Consider for a moment The Holocaust. Six million innocent people were rejected and slaughtered, mainly those who were Jewish but also Christians, Gypsies, and those that came to their aid by millions who followed a sick leader. And, let us not forget the wealthy Southern slave owners and the Ku Klux Klan who used their power to reject and control a powerless group of good people and used them for monetary gain. Humans can do terrible things with power and in search of power. Rejection is a way to assert power.
You ask yourself, why is man unkind to his fellow man?
I don’t have the wisdom to know all the answers, but I assume because many of these people or groups have mental health issues and unresolved trauma. They may have been brought up by parents who lack respect, empathy, and kindness of heart towards others. Often, they are bullies who are insecure and lack self-confidence. They are power-seekers, unkind, lack feelings of remorse, and are inconsiderate.
These are people and groups you stay away from because they are determined to hurt you. That is why I stress to disregard them and concentrate on the positive. Your feelings matter and you deserve to associate with people who treat you with kindness.
Why do good people do good things?
Good people treat others well, because they feel good about themselves. Others respect them. One truth I know, follow the golden rule: do unto others as you would want others to do unto you. Good people know, being decent boosts your confidence, pride, and self-respect.
Rejection to Strength
So what can you do to survive rejection?
I know rejection hurts. I have been a victim of rejection more than once. Darling, I survived and so will you by recognizing rejection as a good teacher. If you are a woman over 50 who has faced countless rejections, I recommend meeting with a psychologist who practices in the field of Positive Psychology. Otherwise, be your own teacher. Read books that help you overcome the pain associated with rejection, begin new hobbies that build your confidence, and surround yourself with good people who aren’t seeking power. I recommend joining my supportive private Facebook group, “Celebrate Visibility.” It’s a sanctuary for women over 50 to dream big and celebrate life.

Handle rejection by surrounding yourself with positive women! Click here to join my private Facebook group for women over 50.
What do I mean by rejection is a good teacher?
Here are a few personal examples…
When I was growing up I was in a minority. I had to try harder to make my way. And, I had to prove to myself that I was just as adequate as the next kid. I worked at defining my capabilities to myself. Darling, I did not know I was doing this at the time because I was so young.
After journaling these past years, one day I had an ‘aha’ moment. “OMG,” I said to myself. “Maybe that is the reason. True grit comes to me naturally.” Darling, journaling is the best way to get to know yourself and to heal from the inside out. Download free journal prompts here.
Friendship Rejection
On another occasion, a truly close friend rejected our friendship. I am still sad and the experience happened several years ago. It dissolved over peer pressure. I still miss her and I have a feeling she misses me. We traveled far and wide with our guys and she was exceptionally caring and by my side when I had cancer. We laughed together, shared together, and never stopped talking when we were with one another or on the phone. Darling, we shopped together and loved our families. We were committed as volunteers to our favorite charities and we were happy for one another’s accomplishments. She bought me sentimental gifts she knew I would love and I still cherish. Then, an incident occurred and poof…our friendship dissolved; just like that.
The following year she called to wish me a Happy New Year and a few years later when she heard I was at the USC medical center for surgery on a broken ankle she took it upon herself to visit me. We might have repaired our friendship, but we live in different cities.
What Good Could Possibly Come From Rejection?
I learned that I will never let any person or group pressure me about anyone I care for, even if the world is against them. Darling, I have lived up to my expectations. I follow one person’s mind…my own. And, I have a wealth of happy memories from our times together that still make me smile.
I have empathy for everyone. Period. I may decide I no longer want to be with you, but I will handle myself like a lady, thinking of the person and or group, as well as my own feelings. It is not just about me. It’s about everyone’s feelings. I will never intentionally reject a person or group in any way.
I have lived through other relationship mishaps and one extremely severe one, but I am fortunate that I have not lived through any I have not been able to manage and eventually accept…in time.
Accept What You Cannot Change
And, this brings me to a final conclusion. If I have given my all to a person or group, or I have been wrong in some manner and apologized and they still reject me, after my wounds heal I know I have to ‘accept’ what I cannot change and move on. Why? Because at that point I know it’s about them. It’s their insecurities, their hateful behavior, or the peer pressure they are under.
And, that is that, darling. Empathy, tenacity, and knowing how to handle rejection can be hard, but it is the knowledge of the golden rule, and knowing how to ‘accept’ that makes it possible.
Have you experienced rejection? Tell me how you handled the situation in the comments!
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Great ideas ! Love this ! We are all vulnerable!
Yes we are all vulnerable. And, showing our vulnerability is a strength. Thank you for your positive note. Warmly, Honey
I love your attitude and your zest for life!! I love reading your blog daily for a boost of positive energy which is so welcome in our lives.
Thank you, Patti. You started my day with a smile. I wish you a very happy day and week-end. Warmly, Honey
I have a 30 plus year friendship that ended and I don’t know why? It’s been 3 years, I have tried to make amends, she doesn’t want me in her life. She has gone out of her way to hurt me, actually set me up. This I learned from her daughter, apparently this is something she does to her family for control. We share a group of friends, so far I have declined meeting if I know she will be attending. We started a mahjong group 30 years ago, we are the only 2 remaining original players. I still miss her and can’t understand what went wrong, how you can just stop caring for a person, ending a friendship. I always said to hate a friend this much it has to over money or sleeping with her husband, it’s neither. Why I can’t face her is insane she’s the one who ended everything, I’m afraid I will get too tearful. My family doesn’t get it, they think I should get my back up , go and just say hello that’s it. Right a emotional Gemini ♊️ can do. Don’t have the answer, pray I can deal with this. Thanks Gayle
Please reread or listen carefully to my blog. You have tried to make amends for what you do not know. But you have tried. It is time for you to ACCEPT what you cannot change. You have tried to reconnect so you have no guilt.Don’t let her stop you from enjoying your mutual friends. Go, be a lady if she passes near you ( do not go up to her) say hello.Take her out of the driver seat and your life. It is better to suffer without her, than with her. She is unkind and ‘you’ are her loss. Not the other way around. You want friends who mirror you. You are a good person. You will survive. There is a positive lesson to take away.It is up to you to search your soul for it. You will figure it out. 🙂 Warmly, Honey
Thank you for your relevant and timely article on rejection. It helps one put in perspective the act and its consequences, so one can process the consequences, end the ruminating and the hurt and move one. Often I think we do not realize until much later that the rejection was really a blessing in disguise… that not getting the event/membership/opportunity helped us long term.
You are very astute.If only everyone realized what you wrote. Thank you for your message. Have a nice week-end. Warmly, Honey
Dear Honey: love reading all you write! You’ve taken on a very painful human experience with sass courage and grit – thank you for highlighting its exploration with and for us. 💜 The take-a-way for me is simple – “the only way out, is through” – meaning allowing myself to feel the pain fully, not avoid its sting. In this way the pain doesn’t get stuck somewhere in my body causing future illness. Rejection is traumatic- and trauma likes to hide in us- so bringing it into the light of our awareness through tender loving self compassionate care helps the healing. And yes, what a teacher rejection is! I know I have earned my strength through going through it and I am better and stronger in my self love for it – and more compassionate for the person who rejected me. True Gift. 💜
How did you do it? I am curious to know. Thank you for your lovely messages. I just found it tucked pages away. It was meant to be. I anxiously await your reply. Warmly, Honey
Dear Honey: love reading all you write! You’ve taken on a very painful human experience with sass courage and grit – thank you for highlighting its exploration with and for us. 💜 The take-a-way for me is simple – “the only way out, is through” – meaning allowing myself to feel the pain fully, not avoid its sting. In this way the pain doesn’t get stuck somewhere in my body causing future illness. Rejection is traumatic- and trauma likes to hide in us- so bringing it into the light of our awareness through tender loving self compassionate care helps the healing. And yes, what a teacher rejection is! I know I have earned my strength through going through it and I am better and stronger in my self love for it – and more compassionate for the person who rejected me. True Gift. 💜
you are a lovely writer and your words are like pearls. What is the holistic express? I smiled when you said I had sass courage and grit. I loved it. I do own it but never expressed my owning it in your words. Do you mind if I use the word, sass? Are you a member of my private facebook group: Estranged mothers and grandmothers: millions strong? Please consider joining. Warmly, Honey
Thanks for the article. This is a good topic. You could do a workshop on it. I have family and friends that no longer correspond with me. But I have grown and changed. I wish them well in my prayer and meditation work but realize everyone is free to do what they want. I try to stay away from negative people. I am 80 and we are always growing. I wish you well you have helped many women.
Thank you dear Carol. You are a wise woman. I wish you well. Are you a member of my private free Facebook Group: Estranged mothers and grandmothers: millions strong? Please join. In less than three months over 8,000 women have joined and they engage with one another. Warmly, Honey
Oh, Honey, I’m sure you and I would be fast friends if we knew each other! Thank you for everything.
We can be best friends from afar!!! Warmly, Honey