My Ultimate Concierge explained to me long ago that nothing good happens by accident. He was right on target. Read on for our serendipitous happening!

When serendipity knocks, you must answer!
Elsewhere is a life based on deliberate fears. It stops us from wanting to meet new people, explore new places, and gather new things. The climate in Elsewhere has forced me to push myself.
The push ignites in my mind when I begin to feel uncomfortable about my inaction. What I mean by this is that I begin to feel encumbered by my passivity. It starts with a queasy feeling in my stomach and builds. It is with me constantly, affecting my sanity ( a little overdramatic but that is me!) but you get my gist.
Elsewhere has transformed my lifestyle over the past two years. I have allowed its greyness to cloud my vision. It robs me of my love of life and of the beauty of all that is spontaneous. It has invaded my personal territory and caused my life to fill up with stress instead of an aura of peace.
As I leave my cocoon of grey, I have concluded that I am a woman 50 + who has the power to transform anything into whatever I want. And so are you, dear readers of mine. It is a painful trip but once you ‘catch’ the desired bug and fly with it there is nothing to stop you except … you!
It is important to read my January musings because today’s story is a continuation of my awakening. This year my life journey will be based on a theme, for me it is peace. That theme of peace, instead of resolutions, will guide me in all that I do.
The metamorphosis I am experiencing began with the discovery of this New Year’s theme.
My first big task involves self-care. A planned trip spurred me into reclaiming my forgotten wardrobe and neglected body. They were taxing projects at the start but proved so worthwhile. My clothes are in order and I am reclaiming my body.
Over the past few years, I have missed having my normal serendipitous moments and life-changing encounters. They’re missing because these happen when you are with people! Oh how I have missed people, all types of people. Without people, there is limited conversation, limited experiences, and limited community.
I am fortunate to have my Ultimate Concierge and my pooch America. Also, I have text messages and emails, you at, and my private Facebook group, Celebrate Life. This group of women is trending towards 3,000 in number! The conversations there warm my heart. I also have exceptional women and my co-workers, Elena, Susan, Leigh, Jules, Michelle, and Rebekah and Susan, my health gurus. They all provide me with daily doses of companionship. With these wonderful people in my life, I am not lonely. Are you?
But ah I missed those serendipitous and normal meet-ups with others. Personally, I find it very hard to lead a peaceful life without a constant and continuous flow of different types of experiences. It was time to raise a smile on my face in my benign life.
The Tailor entered my life serendipitously! The need for alterations on some of my clothing in my organized closet prompted me to walk across the street from my condo-in-the-sky to a little shop. A new tailor had just taken ownership of it. My Ultimate Concierge had visited him three times. So when I walked in and introduced myself, he said in his broken tongue, “You are Sheldon Good’s wife?”
We chatted and it was decided he would come to our condo on Sunday to do pinnings. On my short walk home I decided to serve brunch out of courtesy.
Setting a lovely table was such a pleasing experience! It had been too long since I had last entertained, something I love to do, and even for one person. I felt joy and peace as I set my table.
The Tailor arrived at noon and we sat down to brunch. Within five minutes there was spontaneous energy flowing through the conversations. Or should I say his conversation.
My new tailor, my newest friend, knows the Pope! He speaks Yiddish with him and designs and makes some of his Holiness’ clothes! On one trip to Rome, he lived in the Vatican for three weeks! The Catholic Pope and the Jewish Tailor have become fast friends!
And that is not all. He also makes Rod Blagojevich’s (the former governor of Illinois) suits. Our tailor informed us that Blagojevich will be interviewed by Tucker Carlson next week on Fox News.
My newest friend is not braggadocious. He tells his interesting stories in a charming fashion with no pretense.
I asked him, “How did the Pope learn to speak Yiddish?” He answered that the Pope grew up next door to a Jewish family who spoke Yiddish! They had a son and the two young boys were best friends. End of story.
When the Pope corresponds with the Tailor he signs his letter, Sholom.
Our dining room was filled with laughter and stories. Some that came out of the mouth of the Tailor. And some from my husband who was the realtor for the Catholic Church in Chicago. The occasion was so joyful I awoke from the dead!
For the first time in months, I felt a positive energy rising through my veins instead of the dreaded lethargy.
The experience and the stories opened my eyes.
Ultimately, I had to consider a new project so I could reenter the world of community and conversation. I know a large part of self-care is mingling with old friends and new ones alike. It is sharing old and amusing experiences as well as new and enlightening ones.
Because of the Tailor, I have my new planned projects in place. He opened up my eyes to living once again outside the box. He awakened in me the want to wonder again.
Elsewhere, a worldwide dysfunctional political system, almost succeeded in bringing me to my knees. One man, a tailor, gave me a triple dose of enthusiasm that made me want to live again!
I hope this story gives you a triple dose of enthusiasm to jump-start your life. Please don’t let fear stop you from living your life and exploring your wonders. You are a woman 50+. It is your turn to bloom. When you bloom your family will bloom and so will others around you.
Elsewhere’s Theme for 2022: Fear = Control
My theme for 2022: Peace
What is your theme?
How can you utilize your theme for 2022 with my message to ‘never fear’ and ‘be in control, to benefit the you in you?
When you have your answer you will feel an adrenaline rush! I am anxious to hear from you.
Life does have an element of surprise. Look for serendipity in the most unlikely of places.
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I too, choose a word/theme for each new year. I do this using a box of Grace cards put out some years ago by Cheryl Richardson. After a good shuffle, I blindly choose one card from the deck. I trust that God oversees the choice and have faith that the word will somehow guide me in the coming year.
This year’s choice is “affection”. At first glance this didn’t do much for me, but its explanation rings true.
“Love yourself. You are the ultimate act of creation, fashioned by the hands of a Divine Artist.” So my goal this year is to be kinder to myself, to forgive myself for my own human frailty.
I also choose a card for each week on Sunday nights as I plan my coming week’s activities.
When you love yourself, it is much likelier you will love others deeply. Warmly, Honey
Nothing good happens by accident? –Serendipity, or good fortune, and joyful surprise happen all the time, even in Elsewhere!. I think perhaps what is meant by ‘nothing good without planning’ is that when we prepare, opportunity for a positive outcome increases, which is certainly true.
Most of us good citizens follow mandates and laws, however there is that segment of people who hold us all back by careless behavior. We see maniacal driving, robbing, looting, and worse using violence to interrupt peaceful worship.
I remain optimistic and look for serendipity always. If I stop, no telling what will happen… (sigh)
You will never stop having serendipity moments. It is not your nature! 🙂 Warmly, Honey
Dearest Honey…I have been reading you now for several years and today I am responding because your message really touched my heart. God is full of surprises and I am so happy you found such joy in such an unlikely way. But you reached out and made it happen…that is a testament to your desire to never give up on life especially now as we struggle to find peace and purpose in our lives during this most unusual time.
I am a 79 year young woman living in Florida where life has been a bit easier in letting us live our lives in a more normal manner. My home town is the beautiful St Augustine and I can look at God’s beautiful creation, the ocean, every day which brings me joy and peace. I too adopted PEACE as my theme for the year, thanks to you and the lovely gift of your words that await me each morning in my “in box”.
We are sisters in thought. How lovely is that. Thank you for your kind words. Warmly, Honey
The post was really amazing to read. Thanks a lot for sharing it!
You are very very welcome!
I thoroughly enjoy your thoughtful posts
Honey Today’s struck a particular cord within me. I too had decided that this year was to be one of inner peace, that I would take time to value who I am, what my personal resources are and to find simple ways to celebrate daily the opportunities I have to enhance my life. I look forward to further updates on your journey this year.
I look forward to sharing them with you1 Warmly, Honey
Dear Honey,
Thank you much for today’s post.I so much needed to hear it. Elsewhere is such a dismal place, I am not doing well existing in it. I have my own special Elsewhere running my life right now. I approach this elsewhere without fear as much as I can, except every week there is something new. You see I have endometrial cancer…surgery complete and moving on to radiation. All my drs. are optomistic about my prognosis and I am trying to process all the information needed for my healing. Just not sure I am doing this gracefully. I remember an earlier post of yours concerning cancer but I just cannot locate it. I am hoping you or your staff can direct me to it, I am sure there are some pearls of wisdom within it. Thank You
This is a very difficult time for you. I know. Until I find my articles to share with you, here is my advice. THINK and see the color GREY. Most things in life that include Cancer are grey. They are not black in a physical sense because there is so much work being done on continuously finding new techniques to cure or put the Cancer into remission. Emotionally it is hard to think grey for a while. It took me a long time. I think it is important to feel your fear and talk about it to people you are close to or consider a group. Eventually, you will. My last bit of advice: never miss or put off a doctor appointment or a test for any reason. You will survive!!! Thank you for sharing. Warmly, Honey