Forgiving a person that hurts you is difficult. And forgetting can be nearly impossible. Explain this to your grandchildren. You might say something like:
“I have learned, dear Grands of mine, that we hurt ourselves when we harbor anger. I am not suggesting you have to forget an incident, but, for your own emotional well being, forgiveness can be remembered gracefully! Let go of your anger, learn from the eruption, and beware in the future.”
Harboring anger can carry very serious physical consequences including:
- High blood pressure
- Back pain, stomach problems, and headaches
- Tensed muscles
- Increased heart rate
- Contempt and heavy discomfort
Forgiveness carries so many physical positives!
- Calmer feelings
- Normal vital signs
- A stronger immune system
- A drop in the stress hormones circulating in our blood
- Back pain, headaches and stomach problems may disappear
- A good feeling about our behavior
I tell this to my children and my grandchildren, “In your lives, you will be met with situations where you do not want to forgive or forget. Within one day, dear Grands of mine, resolve your differences and forgive. You are doing this for yourself. But you have permission to: remember gracefully.”
And if you are the one who needs to BE forgiven, read my story about how to apologize with grace, here.
Have you had a hard time forgiving someone? Or, are you an expert at burying the hatchet? Have you passed this skill set along to your kids and grandkids? Do tell! You can comment below or connect with me on Facebook, Twitter, and even Instagram. Let’s talk!
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