Writer Gordon J Greene wrote today’s post! Enjoy, darlings!
You Can Be Your Wife’s Great Pumpkin If You Believe And Try
How can a husband let his wife know that he hears her and loves her? Perhaps the “Great Pumpkin” mentioned in the Peanuts Comic Strip back in the 1960s can show us the way. Small gestures in marriage often tell a more important tale than grand gifts or presents. I realized that recently during the October Halloween Season.
My wife, Priscilla, and I were returning last week from visiting some friends when on the highway we passed a small shopping center where pumpkins were being sold for Halloween decorations. She said as we were driving by, “Shouldn’t we get a pumpkin soon for the front porch of the house?”.
A couple of days later I was returning home from the pharmacy when I passed that same shopping center and remembered what Priscilla said. I was able to slow down, turn into the parking lot, and select a good size pumpkin which I delivered to our front porch when I got home. I went inside and told Priscilla that‘ The Great Pumpkin’ had visited us and left something on the front porch. She was thrilled to see the pumpkin! For she knew that I heard her a few days before and that I had listened to her.
The Great Pumpkin Strikes Again
Another couple of days later I was doing some ‘Recreational Food Shopping’ at our local Harris Teeter in Charlotte, NC. What is Recreational Food Shopping? It is when the household doesn’t really need any food, but the husband takes time out to check the aisles at a local food store to see what is on sale. Perhaps, he will find something like Mayfield’s ice cream (made in Athens, Tennessee) on sale at two for one. My Priscilla enjoys ice cream nightly at about 8 PM without really putting on an ounce of weight. She has a secret, but legal, Ice Cream Supplier.
While browsing the food store aisles I saw a display of smaller pumpkins with logos of various ACC & SEC Universities stenciled on them. There, right in the middle of the display was a pumpkin with the logo of my wife’s Alma Mater, The University of Tennessee. I brought the pumpkin home and you would have thought I had arrived with a diamond bracelet. Priscilla was just thrilled to have a pumpkin with the logo of her Tennessee Volunteers. She knew that her husband really loved her. She even took a picture of the pumpkin and texted it to her sister and a couple of friends.
I am doubtful that my wife took a picture of the Bulgari gold and stainless watch I got her three years ago through Real Real for her birthday or that she texted a picture of the watch to her friends. But, the Tennessee Pumpkin was special for her as it showed that I loved her. The Great Pumpkin has struck again!
Be a Hero to Your Wife
You may remember that the Peanuts comic character, Linus, believed the Great Pumpkin would bring gifts to children around Halloween, just the way some others believed that Santa Claus would bring gifts at Christmas. While the Great Pumpkin of the Peanuts Comic Strip often let Linus down by not appearing, Linus still believed. Priscilla’s Great Pumpkin had shown up just in time to deliver a Tennessee Logo Pumpkin during the height of the college football season. Sometimes it is not hard to be a hero to your wife. You just have to make the right gesture at the right time and show that you believe in her just the way Linus believed in the Great Pumpkin. Check it out. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_Pumpkin
A note from Honey: I’m very excited to have this article featuring my first male contributor, Gordon Greene. I love this story and how he shows that if we listen, we can show our love to the important people in our lives. Have you ever been “The Great Pumpkin” to someone in your life? Tell me about it in the comments!

About the author:
For the last 20 years, Gordon Greene has been a Partner with Hanna Commercial Real Estate Brokers headquartered in Cleveland, Ohio. Gordon has held Real Estate Brokerage Licenses in over 20 US States, he has listed & sold Real Properties in 40 States, Four Provinces of Canada, and The Bahamas.
Gordon Served in the US Army during the time of the Vietnam War. Subsequently, he was Commander of Brecksville, OH American Legion Post 196, 2011-2014. He is currently an Adjutant at Matthews, NC American Legion Post 235. Gordon met his wife, Priscilla Campbell Chapman, in 2014 through Match.com. Both widows were later married in September 2015 in Knoxville, TN. Priscilla and Gordon now live in Charlotte, NC.
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