I'm Honey!

As a woman who has lived through many passages and learned through my larger than life experiences (positive and negative), I’ve discovered how to take a big empowering bite out of life.

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How to Regain Your Natural Enthusiasm

The words enthusiasm, fervor and gusto will bring a woman over 50 intense and eager enjoyment because these are motivating action words. On a personal level, I don’t believe anything can be accomplished without enthusiasm. Enthusiasm is getting an enormous thrill out of ordinary happenings in a woman over 50’s life.

Today Ms. Christina, ( I added the name Ms!) because she considers herself to be elegant, brought me tulips from the market. Her gift was unexpected and I believe my response to her gesture was also unexpected. With fervor and enthusiasm I hugged her. In her enthusiastic voice, she said with gusto, “I thought you would love them.” Two women over a gift of grocery store tulips were filled with  enthusiasm which brought joy. It is these positive fleeting moments throughout my day that fill my head with enthusiasm.

The opposite of enthusiasm is apathy. You have experienced it. I know this feeling, too. It is emotionally exhausting. It’s best described as feeling a lack of physical and emotional energy. I am suffering form a form of apathy because, as you know, my husband has the awful disease- dementia- and I witness daily  what it is  doing to his mind.  I am also, as you know, an estranged mother and grandmother who is working to find rewards and love in other areas of life.

I force myself, in my head, everyday, to climb the stairs with enthusiasm, not ride the elevator with apathy, to find a daily  partial cup of  enthusiasm. Darling, miraculously, I do. Most of my enthusiasm comes from the actions of others, my delight in a personal accomplishment, and an – I love you- from my ultimate concierge.



Honey Good out shopping



On my way to meet a friend for lunch I tuned into my gait… it was sluggish. I noted I was not  carrying one of my fabulous handbags; instead, I tuck a credit card case deep into a pocket because of the high rate of crime in my once beautiful Chicago. Before the Covid 19 epidemic, I smiled at strangers and said hello but no longer because people aren’t walking with good posture; but slumped over their phones!

I note many Americans are not cheerful; even, my once beautiful Chicago looks forlorn! The solemn faces and slow gait of people, the unkempt lack of care in their dress code, the angry words coming from our on television or scaling silence, the closed businesses with dirty windows, the once vibrant shops and department stores now lacking customers. The empty offices without workers who would rather sit at home working part-time in their underwear or naked, the people walking down the street talking or reading into their smartphones instead of conversing with their companion. I notice and the scene puts me into an apathetic state. Since Covid 19, citizens and cities have not found their enthusiasm, fervor, or gusto. It is time for our Country to they start climbing the stairs instead of riding the elevator!

As I continue my walk I realize I feel zombie-like outside my home and sad inside my home. A double hitter! “Stop it and step up to the plate,” I say to myself as I continue my walk to meet a friend.  “You can live with reality without losing your enthusiasm for life. You can find  daily awe.”


There are marvelous escapes to explore when you are feeling down.  I escape when I listen to  Beethoven and Mozart, write a Sunday Story, watch a good flick, read a great novel, day dream, talk to my plants as I water them, write to a friend, never stop having hope, kiss my pooch, love my ultimate concierge, put on my red lipstick or workout.  I escape into a cause that lights my fire and I even  feel upbeat with the system I established for the best way to fill a week’s supply of my hubby’s pills! It is all about a woman over 50’s attitude!


Honey Good Shopping

It is Friday. My day. No work. As I mentioned, I am on my way to meet one of my close friends for lunch. As I dressed today. I looked at my beautiful handbags sitting on shelves collecting dust. I thought to myself that I wish I would sling one of them over my shoulder and walk Michigan Ave with attitude. Since I cannot walk the walk, I can think about the word and I do!

As I near the restaurant, I pick up my gait. I am eager for conversation with my wise friend. I wonder what I will learn from her today, and this brings excitement and feelings of enthusiasm. I decide I will bequeath myself with enthusiasm. I am determined to squeeze it out of our lunch date as if it was the last drop in the mustard container! I feel my face lose its frown. As I open the restaurant door filled with chattering voices I feel uplifted as I think to myself, I am leaving a scene of a demoralized city and neighborhood and entering a scene filled with enthusiasm. I sigh with delight. I am feeling like the real Susan Honey Good. “Whew,” I think to myself, “It feel natural.”

After lunch in an uplifting atmosphere and with my under 50 friend I am energized to unpack a gift box filled with  daily enthusiasm.

As I walk the long walk home I devise a plan, in my head…

I look inward to winning back my victorious attitude aka, enthusiasm.

My new mantra:

“I will not allow myself to simmer in ineffectiveness. I can reawaken my spirit, my enthusiasm.”


Honey looking out of her office window


Home enlivens enthusiasm. Home is:

  • Talking and watering plants.
  • Listening to Mozart and Beethoven.
  • Filling a vase with water and fresh flowers.
  • Peering into organized closets.
  • My pooch, America, and his licks.
  • Opening an organized fridge stocked full of colorful avocados, vine-ripened tomatoes, fresh corn on the cobb, and large shrimp.
  • Photographs of family, sentimental presents and heirlooms.
  • Living with my favorite colors.
  • Reading texts from a grand or a friend, reading books.
  • Having faith, and feeling grateful.
  • My Ultimate Concierge, who is all around me.
  • Taking the long walk home and discovery!

My home furnishes me with enthusiasm.


Tap into daily positive thoughts. Have a project that gives you an adrenaline rush.

3. CULTIVATE! Seek out worthwhile women friends and projects. Never settle. If a woman or a project makes you feel uneasy- delete them. Just imagine your keyboard and the word, delete! With one finger and in a split second the unfit word is gone. Treat unfit women and projects the same. Deliting is refreshing and elevating. 


Spring into forward. You move your clocks forward; you can move yourself forward. When life throws you lemons, make sweet lemonade.


Attitude is latitude. An enthusiastic attitude works miracles.  I am going through the hardest passage of my life. I would not wish it on anyone. At times I feel I will not survive and when that happens I search  for any type of hope. Hope is a wonderful word. It is a feeling of expectation and desire for things to happen. I will never lose hope.


Problems cause confusion, are overwhelming and are not solved quickly.
Stay calm, use your head, make a list, seek the advice of trusted people, and stay on track.
Lean into keeping an enthusiastic mindset and you will have a positive outcome.

For several months I have been overwhelmed with important decisions. Especially financial.Before my ultimate concierge illness he chose qualified financial planners, money managers, CPA’s and attorneys. I am very comfortable with all of them. I was not comfortable with my home system and dealing with several employees from caregivers, to staff at Honey Good, and others. I had to learn two things. A home system and an emotional change in attitude. Many of you are in this position. After several mistakes that angered me about myself, I made an about face. I put up a sign in my office that says: Think with your mind – not with your heart when it has to do with people I pay. I have arrived! Secondly, I hired a professional person who is organizing our home business files so I understand everything and know where to find whatever I need.


Sounds corny but it is ‘my corny.’

I miss my father. When I was a teen he told  a story that has stuck with me all the days of my life.  Why was I drawn to this story? I didn’t have a clue as a teen but recall I felt in touch with his thoughts and felt we were soul mates. As an adult woman I get it.

He said, “I always dreamed of being a gentleman farmer. I would have bought a farm but Mom would not hear of it.” He continued, “When I was a young boy I would take off my shoes and socks to feel the dewy grass under my feet on the golf course. The feeling was godly.”

Darlings, nature is Godly. My green jades, my money tree, my fica trees, my orchids soothe me daily and just looking at them puts me in a positive Zen state. I am filled with enthusiasm with the joy they bring into my daily life.

I am aware that not every woman has a green thumb or likes nature.

I am suggesting that you bring something into your home that you can enjoy! A fish bowl, a pet or  a new expression machine whose aroma is scintillating!  Something to brighten your day.


There are a million and one ways to find your sense for enthusiasm. It may require climbing the steps, huffing and puffing, but remember: Nothing good happens by accident.” I know because I am huffing and puffing daily to find my footing and I am excited to tell you that my baby steps are leading me to accomplish my resolutions. I am smiling with enthusiasm. Amen.

If you enjoyed this story, please subscribe to my email list. When I post a new story, you will receive it in your inbox. You might also enjoy my post: The Art of Bending with Empowerment.

April 5, 2023


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  1. Maggie says:

    Your posts are always wonderful Honey. But this one is excellent. Thank you for putting the words to paper. Enthusiasm was once a natural state for me. It seems almost inconceivable that one must now work so hard to grasp something that was so natural.

    Best regards

    • Susan Good says:

      I agree. Natural enthusiasm is no longer in the air in our Country; therefore it is hard to feel it when it is everywhere. It will return. Warmly, Honey

  2. Dana O’Hara Cowdrey says:

    I cannot tell you how you hit the nail on the head of exactly how I have been feeling and could not pinpoint why I’ve been so off.
    I lost my Mom a month ago who embodied enthusiasm. I am going to try and harness some of her magic into my daily life. Thank you.

  3. Vikki Hemrich says:

    Wonderful perspective!! I struggle with this apathy too and my spirits have soared after reading this and knowing I’m not alone. I will refocus on my beautiful, peaceful home. Thank you, Honey!

  4. Sarah says:

    Such good thoughts and so timely. I can feel myself slipping into a nothing lifestyle so easily. My husband passed away in February and it would be so easy to sit at home and read or do nothing. This gives me a push to feel and try to make a new path for myself even at 79.

    • Susan Good says:

      Push! Push! Push! You can do it!!! I am sad for your loss. Did you join our private face book group, Widowhood? Think about it. They really engage. Warmly, Honey

  5. B. Brandt says:

    I hope that you do the Grandmother March. I’d join you.

  6. Carolyn Baum says:

    You said it just enough,and you said it bravely.
    Have a good Passover.

  7. Melody says:

    I would help organize a grandmothers’ march in a minute. I am so frustrated that so many feel like you, and I, but no one seems to want to take it on. I will help you.

    • Susan Good says:

      I am smiling. I am afraid for our safety in this world, though I do believe we would make a difference. If I change my mind, I will call on you for help. I could never forget the beautiful name, Melody. Warmly, Honey

  8. Kat says:

    Great uplifting message. I believe in this crazy world we inhabit we surely need to tap into enthusiasm. Thank you for sharing. Kat in Arizona

  9. Maria says:

    What an uplifting post, Honey. We all need this type of reboot to continue enjoying our lives. Thank you.

  10. Cec says:

    This one is definitely a “keeper” for my saved files.
    I agree totally with you. I have an underlying sadness at what our country has become. But as fast as it turned, it can also turn back. So I am hopeful and prayerful. In the meantime, like you, I meet my lady friends for lunches, talk and our own little therapy sessions. Love it! And this camaraderie keeps us uplifted. There is much to be grateful for and excited about. We can’t let the craziness get us down. Thank you for a lovely blog, as always xxxooo

    • Susan Good says:

      You are very welcome. I love your sentence: “But as fast as it turned, hit can also turn back.” Warmly, Honey

  11. Gina says:

    Oddly enough, my husband and I were talking about this at lunch today. Our world has changed in such a rapid manner since Covid, it was changing, but that whole disturbing event put it in a strangely fast forward motion. Some of the changes had nothing to do with a virus. I’m 66 and have never thought of the things I think about today. Home is definitely where my heart is, my refuge. This article was me. Thank you for nudging me to not give in or give up.

  12. Sandrala says:

    Dear Honey,
    I am so blessed! I was born with a natural “joie de vivre.” Was born Cajun — altho I did not know that as a kid. Can really relate to the challenge of having enthusiasm in our society right now; you give an apt description. I still believe, tho, that we can make a difference — one individual at a time. OK to smile at people — Remember the old adage: “It makes people wonder what you’re up to” & gives them a warm feeling aside, makes for a “ripple effect” where they might just pass it on. Have a dynamite day, all of you beautiful (regardless of age) women!!

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