I'm Honey!

As a woman who has lived through many passages and learned through my larger than life experiences (positive and negative), I’ve discovered how to take a big empowering bite out of life.

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Recent Articles

The Challenges of GRANDmotherhood

I was recently honored to be featured in GRAND Magazine (read the feature here). Learn more about this priceless (yet free!) resource for grandmothers in today’s story written by the editor, Christine Crosby. Enjoy, darling!

the challenges of Grandmotherhood, article written by Christine Crosby

Grandmothers play an indispensable role in the success and well-being of society, serving as pillars of wisdom, love, and support for their families and communities.

As the matriarchs of multigenerational families, grandmothers offer a wealth of life experience, knowledge, and guidance to younger generations, helping to shape their values, morals, and character. They are often the glue that holds families together, providing a sense of stability, continuity, and connection to family history and traditions.

Beyond their invaluable contributions to their own families, grandmothers also make significant impacts on society as a whole. Many grandmothers actively participate in volunteerism, community service, and civic engagement, lending their time, skills, and wisdom to support various causes and initiatives.

They serve as mentors, caregivers, and advocates, working tirelessly to create a better world for future generations.

“They are often the glue that holds families together, providing a sense of stability, continuity, and connection to family history and traditions.”

A Supportive Resource for Grandmothers Today

In today’s fast-paced and ever-changing world, grandmothers often face unique challenges and opportunities as they navigate their roles and responsibilities. This is where GRAND Magazine – Living the Ageful Life serves as an essential resource, providing grandmothers with the information, inspiration, and support they need to thrive in their vital roles. image of a computer, tablet, and phone with the image of GRAND Magazine of the screens

GRAND Magazine offers a wealth of articles, tips, and resources covering a wide range of topics relevant to grandmothers. Hrom health and wellness to family relationships, travel, and personal growth.

By celebrating the joys and challenges of grandmotherhood, GRAND Magazine helps to foster a sense of community and connection among grandmothers. We remind them that they are not alone in their experiences and provide a platform for sharing wisdom, advice, and encouragement.

Through its dedication to empowering and supporting grandmothers, GRAND Magazine plays a crucial role in strengthening the foundation of families and society as a whole, ensuring that the invaluable contributions of grandmothers are recognized, celebrated, and sustained for generations to come.

Do you read up on grandparenthood? Tell me your favorite resources and don’t forget to look for my feature in this issue of GRAND Magazine!

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May 21, 2024

Entertainment, Grandchildren, Relationships

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