I think this all winter white look is the bees knees. Let’s take white back for the winter months!
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If you ask me, we should embrace winter white more in the colder months! When it comes to nature, winter often coats the world in beautiful clean white. So why is it then that in the winter we coat ourselves in dark and sometimes drab tones? Darlings, it doesn’t have to be this way.
I once went out with a woman who was wearing a winter white coat with a gold chain accent. It was just dynamite. It was so chic and fresh. Even though it was neutral — it was a pop of something different — especially with everyone else all bundled up in their black. Since then, I’ve loved winter white and incorporate it into my own look. I want to show you how to wear winter white and feel confident in this casual look. Here is how to recreate my look for yourself so you too can enjoy something fresh and bright this winter.
Winter White Hat and Scarf
In the image above my hat and scarf are Louis Vuitton and are two shades of creamy winter white. For more winter hat choices, see this story.
Pants and Sweaters
The chunky zip-up sweater is also Louis Vuitton. The wide-legged cream pants are Zoran. You can find some ideas on how to spice up your sweater look here.
Winter White Gloves
What do you think, darlings? How do you incorporate winter white into your wardrobe? Please share with me in the comments!
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*Honey Good may receive a small commission if you make a purchase through a link in this post, at no additional cost to you.
Great timing!
Today I wore a pair of jeans, boots, a silk top AND a stark white silk jacket, kind of resembling the last picture in your jacket suggestions. I enjoy wearing conflicting pieces, for example a pair of jeans with a dressy jacket (or blouse). We are very casual in the area I live, but casual does not mean sloppy.
I have my gorgeous basic black coat, of course, but I love my color pieces and like to mix it up.
Remember “back in the day” when handbags only came in white, black and brown? Then color came on the scene and I wouldn’t think of going back to a boring neutral color. But now I love a clean, chic white bag. It kind of seems unique these days to wear one!
I️ love your Louis vittion hat and scarf! That is what I️ want:). Any idea s where? Love your red accents. Red is one of my favorites. You are so cute. So elegant . I️ enjoy your writings❤️
I LOVE wearing white however, I haven’t been able to do so.
So, I have a question to all the stylish ladies who wear white – anytime of the year. How the heck do you keep the white items clean? Living in the PNW, if I wore white pants outdoors, when you walk, your heels kick up splatters of rain, slush and mud-usually ending up on the back of the pant leg, bottom of a longer jacket/coat.. Same thing with white jackets/coats- dashing thru the rain to your vehicle, your jacket/coat gets wet – and unless your car seat is pristine, whatever is on your car seat/car floor mat can end up on your white clothing.
What is the secret to wearing white outdoors????
I live in the PNW too! I haven’t figured it out yet, but I’ll let you know if I do! 😉
Just try, try, try. It is uplifting when you are in white and everyone else is in black. Warmly, Honey