In 1855 the English poet, Robert Browing wrote, “Less is more.” Over the course of three years, the Covid 19 virus touched the life of every woman in the world. I often ask myself, “What is saving my soul?” I say this in the present tense because 2023 stands before me, promising nothing but the same difficulties and opportunities (less is more) that last year and the years before promised. In this story, I would like to share with you how you can turn this into a positive. Enjoy, darling!

I’ve embraced the idea of “less is more,” which has enriched my life.
Time to Think is a Gift
Elsewhere has given me time to think. That is why I love Robert Browning’s quote. My world has become smaller, as has yours giving us the opportunity to grow our inner beauty.
Old doors closed, not by choice, affording me time to question and choose new opportunities. In other words, the pandemic has given me time to invest in myself. Because change and difficulties always produce new choices.
What I express below is what I have had the time to think about during my continuous tenure living in the darkness of Elsewhere. Knowledge and opportunity knock during the worst of times. Time allows ideas to spin and finally digest. ‘Less is more’ when trivia is no longer a part of our lives. Less is more because we have had the opportunity to simply be to do. We’ve become more wizened and fruitful women after fifty.
Listen to your heart.
Making a choice is not easy. Trusting your choice and then actually doing the hard work takes disciplinary action. Over the past few years, I have taught myself to listen and do what my heart tells me. Because it has put me in good stead with myself.
‘Less is more’ has given me this opportunity to delve into my deepest thoughts. To learn what really gives me joy and to take an action to attain that goal. For example, if I want something in my life that is not easy to attain and my heart tells me to get to work on it even though it is going to take a great amount of discipline — I listen and act.
Enlarge Your Scope With a ‘Less is More’ Attitude

The simple things in life, the ‘less is more’ can be the most rewarding.
Elsewhere has shrunk our lifestyle big time. Women now work, buy their clothes and necessary products, and have conversations on Zoom — all from home. This is your opportunity to delve into your thoughts and continue your bloom. You have the time, and ‘less is more’ when you seize the opportunity.
Before Elsewhere, you were a multi-faceted woman after 50. Zigging and zagging, benefiting from many new experiences and outside interests. Now you have the time to simply be. When I feel a lack of enthusiasm, I get my ass in gear and enlarge my scope. I think of my mother, a great role model who never let the grass grow under her feet.
So, please get out of bed and get moving in the morning. Seize life and take advantage of its offering. Elsewhere has given you the pleasure… of less is more.
Be Stoic and Self Informed
I am storing my glow for later use!
Elsewhere is forcing me to power through the dark times. To be stoic and self-informed. I am sure you can relate. During this reign of terror, I am trying to teach myself to quietly glow when in doubt. And have my ducks in a row if dark times become darker. I am storing my glow for later use!
Because Elsewhere has provided me the time to think about my options, I was able to ignite this glow of knowledge. I have learned from living a quieter lifestyle that ‘less is more.’

Journaling and planning my day has given purpose to my life with ‘less is more.’
A Wise Thought Each Day
Each day since Elsewhere entered my life, I have a wise thought for the day. Maybe it was something I read. I may have thought it up for my particular lifestyle. Sound funny or strange? I don’t think so because it gives me food for thought. A calmness and happiness when I read something from a great thinker and learn. I am alone with myself, but all the while, I am growing. ‘Less is more.’
Dignity and Purpose
Be inspired and walk with dignity. You have all the necessary tools in your arsenal. Think about your purpose and aspire to reach a new goal with purpose.
A quick and mystical, and true story. I really don’t know if I have lived three past lives. If I did, I was a North American Indian princess, a French woman during the Days of the French Salons, and an Egyptian Jewess.
Why an Egyptian Jewess? I have very, very, very deep and profound feelings of dignity and purpose as a 21st Century Jewish woman. I have often asked myself how did I become this woman. It is my belief that I was a freed Egyptian slave who crossed the desert in forty years. She learned lessons, gained dignity and purpose from lessons learned, and walked into Jerusalem, a woman of substance. Quite a mystical story!
I have carried this dignity and sense of purpose since I was a young married woman. Not talking the talk but walking the walk. One day I will write you my resume for the causes I have led but not today.
I believe that every woman has untapped fire in her belly. So many of you, after fifty, let your flame burn low. Stop.
Don’t allow Elsewhere or age to stop you in your tracks. Age is just a number. Pick your cause. Sit down and think because you have time, and “less is more.” Activate the positive. Ride your wave.
Enjoying this story? You might also like to read my blog, Happiness is a Choice — How to Choose it.

No matter where you live peaceful walk out of doors does wonders for the soul.
Rest and Relaxation — The Embodiment of ‘Less is More’
I lived many years in Honolulu, Hawaii. My life was very, very full and very active. Yet island living gave me the opportunity to learn to enjoy solitude, contentment, rest, and relaxation, and I was very happy.
Take the time to simply be with a good book, listen to Mozart, and watch the fire burn in your fireplace. Or walk the beach looking for sea shells. Maybe have a worthwhile conversation with a loved one. Elsewhere is giving you the same opportunity.
Multigenerational Women into your Circle — More is More!
Women need women of all ages in their lives. I ran a multigenerational focus group in my home for the New York Times. None of the women that I chose knew one another. Their ages ranged from the age of 28 to 97 years old. They came from all walks of life, with different careers, different lifestyles, and different religions. All told, they had one thing in common. They knew me.
The conversation lasted for over two hours and only stopped because the New York Times reporter finally had to stop it. The women wanted to meet again!
The younger women wanted advice, and the older women wanted tips too. They wanted to become friends. It was an amazing evening.
I highly recommend adding women of all ages into your life. And limit women who do not bring you joy. One way is to Join groups. You have the time living in Elsewhere to study your options. Elsewhere gives you this opportunity and is a real ‘less is more.’
I could sit and dwell about what is going on in Elsewhere, and, truth be told, I do every day. I also have charge over my life. That is my first priority; to find joy every day in some small or big way. The list above is my tutorial. I was able to accomplish this because life in Elsewhere gave me the time to ‘simply be’ with my thoughts and realize that ‘less is more.’
Have you managed to be fulfilled with a ‘less is more’ mentality? I would love to hear if I’ve inspired you in the comments.
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Thank you, Honey. I, too, was greatly affected by the last few years. Pre-Covid I was learning how to be single again and how to thrive and meet new people. Covid made me settle down and realize how much I missed silence and serenity in my life. As the world reawakened though, I was stuck. Not moving forward. Then God stepped in. Big time. He forced me, with the help of my true friends, to see where my future will be. And how to live again. In doing so, He added 3 other needy souls to my home life, to awaken me, have me analyze my past, and use my knowledge to help them. Adding a 34-year-old young man with his 2 rambunctious kittens to a 63-year-old’s home with a crotchety older cat makes for a very enlivened mix! We adjust as we go but I have not laughed like this in years and I am learning every day how to have the son I never had, a son by another mother [who passed away last year]. We have our ups and downs as everyone does but, by drawing upon my own unique experiences, I can guide and encourage another to be the best he can be. And he helps me with the chores that are harder for me to do now with my disability. And educates me on what today’s life is like for a thirty-something. I often think, was I really that young once? But yes, we all were! Life goes on, just in different ways. But thoughts, feelings, angst and troubles must be dealt with by every new generation in their own way. I feel blessed to be growing myself in new ways as my life recalibrates along with his. I pray every day for God to bless us both and bring us both on our own unique unfolding paths to better futures. We were put into each other’s paths for a reason known by God alone, and my philosophy “Kindness begets Kindness” runs true on this path. Times change and we must change with it. Adapt and live well! Our goals will take us on different roads but this creation of a strong friendship will be enduring.
You write beautifully. Thank you for sharing your story. I think multigenerational friendships can be the best. You are living proof. You learn from one another. I am happy for both of you and the three cats! Warmly, Honey
I printed your entire article. It really touched the position in which I find myself right now. Thank You
Dear Marlene, You are so very welcome. I am so glad I was able to shed some light. Warmly, Honey
This conversation particularly resonated with me. I have had several big life changes happen over the last 10 months which have left me mentally, emotionally and physically unbalanced. I’m striving for the ‘less is more’ mindset. I’m going to make this my mantra – ‘ I am alone with myself, but all the while, I am growing. ‘ Thanks, Honey!
My pleasure to shed some light that ‘less is more.’I am glad you grasped the message and are taking it seriously. More power to you! Warmly, Honey
I truly realize even before Covid throw blessed and grateful I was. I remember looking around my small little house and truly being completely content and so grateful to God. Covid I think taught me what’s really important. Time with God, time with my girls and my grands. And time with friends. I only became anxious over covid for 48 hours. Then I left work that day and God remind me of 2 Timothy 1:7 and I held onto that scripture, never being fearful again even though I worked PRN in a hospital that was the Covid hub for patients. I did not stay home, I visited my grands, I hugged them every chance I had. I got out took walks and really saw the beauty in everything. And most of all my relationship with The Lord grew stronger and I am growing bolder. Covid made me look at so many things differently. As to what was truly important. And what wasn’t.
During these past 4 years I lost 4 cousins ( I was an only child), so they were like my siblings. The first passed from cancer right before covid, then one cousin from Alzheimer’s, then heart disease and an attack, then my final cousin passed from Covid in September 2021.
And I’ve lost three incredible dear friends, my first dear friend passed also from Alzheimer’s in June of 2020, another dear friend passed tomorrow February 1 will be 2 years, and another dear friend passed away this past July from cancer. She was younger than I. Of course I know the older you get this will happen. But it makes a total difference in how we navigate this thing we call life. And we navigate it only through God’s help. I decided awhile back I am going to enjoy every second of every day of the rest of my life. I want to be grateful and humble, be a giving person ( which I’ve not always been), I want to be a good steward of my all I’ve been blessed with.
Thank you Honey for your uplifting messages every day. God bless you.
You are a very special woman and I am overjoyed that my stories are in some manner up-lifting. I am proud to have you at Honey Good and I wish you a piece of joy everyday of your life. Warmly, Honey
I like many others am going through a transition in my life. I retired about 8 months ago from a job I loved was at for 21 yrs. because of health issues. I have gradually realized that I have a lot more power over my body, mind and living than I thought I had. I am gradually improving health wise, and growing mind wise and spiritually. One day at a time I am directing my life towards happiness and enjoyment. Your comments were right on base to me! I can do so much to make my life better. Thank you for your insights and I always enjoy reading your writings!
I have goose bumps. You are a positive survivor. Yea!!!! Enjoy your new lifestyle knowing you have to take the stairs and not the elevator when you want to make life changes and even daily changes. This will serve you very well. I know! Warmly, Honey