I'm Honey!

As a woman who has lived through many passages and learned through my larger than life experiences (positive and negative), I’ve discovered how to take a big empowering bite out of life.

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A Mother Daughter Relationship: A Letter to My Dear Mother

Honey Good Mother's Day writing a letter to her mom

The physical umbilical cord is cut at birth. The emotional umbilical cord between mothers and daughters can never be severed.

I will always be my mother’s daughter, though she now rests beside my adoring father. She is my daily reminder, in my head, of how to conduct myself. If I could wish upon a star, I would wish for one more day, one final conversation, one last hug and kiss, one last I love you, one last sound of her laugh. Thank goodness, I was born with the positive DNA gene to get me through the times of my losses.

I will be in New Orleans on Mother’s Day with my ultimate concierge celebrating a loving reunion with my girlfriend from my Honolulu days, their anniversary, his birthday and the celebration of their massive photography gift to the New Orleans Museum of Art.

You will also be out and about. Therefore, I decided to take this opportunity to honor my mother.


Dear Mom,

Though you are gone, yet never far away, I am writing you from my heart, a thank you letter.

I am a very fortunate daughter. You are a woman of substance, refinement, and assurance. You are a mother of principle, who guided, protected, comforted, taught character building through example, and … loved me unconditionally though we had normal mother-daughter tugs of war.

I remember when I asked you to leave me with one piece of advice what would it be.

You paused for a split second and said, “Be true to yourself.”

As a child, I was always an astute observer of people and things. I learned from watching and listening.

I remember observing you doing the crossword puzzle each morning over your coffee and croissant. Watching you made me aware of the importance of patience and knowledge. Thank you, dear mother of mine.

I remember your creativity with your hands. You knitted, crocheted, and taught me to needlepoint. I learned patience and persistence. Thank you, dear mother of mine.

“Thank you, dear mother of mine.”

I recall your card games at home. After school, I would run into the house and find you playing either bridge, canasta, or mahjong with girlfriends. I watched how you served, heard your laughter above all the others, and observed how you lost graciously. I learned the importance of friendship, the beauty in entertaining, the importance of losing graciously, and the importance of laughter. Thank you, dear mother of mine.

You were an outstanding wife. You and Dad were a team. Dad came first. You showered each other with love. Through your actions, you taught me, a woman makes a marriage. Thank you, dear mother of mine.

I remember your tenacity, your loyalty, your charitability, your style, your curiosity, and your empathy for others. They live with me daily. Thank you, dear mother of mine.

I remember your mothering. You were too strict for this daughter of yours. I had a mind of my own. You had a mind of your own. I fought you tooth and nail. But with all our arguing, I respected you, learned my lessons, and loved you dearly. Thank you for your lectures, for waiting up for me late into the night, for keeping me safe.

I remember your wisdom, dear mother of mine. I want to pass it on to my Honey Good readers. That is how proud I am of you. I do hope you are hearing me!

Your devoted daughter,



CONFIDENCE: “When people talk about you, you know you are not boring!”

STYLE: “Your style is a composite of your inner and outer beauty.”

SECRETS: “Your secret is your secret until you tell someone!”

CHILDREN: “Remember, darling, these two wise quotes: One mother can take care of ten children … ten children cannot take care of one mother. You give your children their roots and then their wings.”

GIRLFRIENDS: “Choose wisely. There are friends who have your values of all ages.”

SKINCARE: “Never use soap.”

AGING GRACEFULLY AFTER 50: “Exercise your mind!”

SUCCESSFUL MARRIAGE: “A woman makes a marriage.”

HEALTH: “Be proactive. It will save your life.”

CHOOSING A SOUL MATE: “The most important decision you make is who you choose to marry. Make a list of what you want. Stick to your list.”

PERSONAL HAPPINESS: Own your self-respect. Have a purpose. Love deeply and laugh daily.”

LIVING A HAPPY LIFE: “ A grateful woman is a happy woman.”
Your legacy is with me, Mom. It is all in my head. You travel with me throughout each of my days. You are my beautiful shadow … my mother, my friend, my teacher.


I suggest writing a letter to your mom for Mother’s Day; whether she is in heaven or on earth, write her a letter from your heart.

I cried while I wrote this letter to my mother. Buckets of tears ran down my face.

Crying is healthy. I don’t think we cry enough. We all keep emotions pent up in our hearts. A good cry releases all types of emotion — anger, grief, exhaustion, frustration, fear, loneliness, and the what-ifs. Crying is good for our souls. It releases stress. It brings a feeling of peacefulness over our bodies.

A good cry is a good release of pent-up emotions. If my mother was here, she would tell me, “ You learned well at my knee, dear daughter of mine. You learned well.”

And, I would say, “ Thank you, dear mother of mine, for loading me up with your good DNA and for being my mother, my teacher, my friend.”


If you enjoyed this story, please subscribe to my email list. When I post a new story, you will receive it in your inbox. You might also enjoy my post: Grief Has No Time Limit: Remembering My Mother.

May 7, 2023


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  1. Irene says:

    You are so special.
    Wishing you a lovely Mother’s Day

    • Susan Good says:

      Thank you, Irene, I am blushing! Wishing you a very happy Mother’s Day, too. Warmly, Honey

  2. patti says:

    Such a beautiful and meaningful post. TY

  3. Bonnie says:

    Thank you for that beautiful reflection, I see so much of what you are saying in my own mother. By living in Hawaii all of my adult life, I wasn’t close in distance to my mother, but always close in heart….she was my heart!
    I will be in AZ this Mother’s Day spending it with my two daughters and two granddaughters. We all live in four different states, so this will be a rare and beautiful time together. Happy Mother’s Day to you Honey!

    • Susan Good says:

      I am very happy for you that you will be spending Mother’s Day with your daughters and granddaughters. Enjoy your time and thank you for your message. Aloha, Honey

  4. Judy J Leduc says:

    Beautifully said, Honey!! I am inspired to write a letter to my Mom who passed away in 2004.

    • Susan Good says:

      I hope you will. It is emotionally very healthy. Happy Mother’s Day, Judy.
      Warmly, Honey

  5. Bruna Dietz says:

    Thank you! I miss my mother so very much she died fourteen years ago and it feels
    like yesterday. I had a wonderful loving relationship with my Mom, who taught and guided me throughout her life. She also is my shadow and I carry her in my heart.
    I love you Mommy!
    Happy Mother’s Day, Honey!
    Know that I also cried, Honey when I read
    your letter.

    • Susan Good says:

      There are no words… Thank you for your lovely message. Happy Mother’s Day, Bruna. Warmly, Honey

  6. Christine says:

    This is a beautiful idea.

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