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As a woman who has lived through many passages and learned through my larger than life experiences (positive and negative), I’ve discovered how to take a big empowering bite out of life.

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Are We Too Busy? Ways to Rest With Love In This Busy World

Darlings, today we have a great article written by Dr. Bethany Johnson. She is a professor of sociology with 20 years of teaching in the classroom and online. Today, she writes about being busy and gives us tips and tricks on ways to rest with love. Enjoy!

Honey Good Shopping ways to rest

Chaotic and Busy Schedules

Life is chaotic at times. It is demanding and never seems to slow down. We all know our schedules and can see how they are filled with work, errands, places to be, things to do. If you are like me, you promise yourself that you are going to start slowing down or eliminate things from your schedule. However, being like me, do you find your schedule getting fuller not freer?

As someone who just turned 50, I always thought that the “older” I got, the less there would be demanding of my time. I have discovered getting older may mean more time to do what I want rather than doing what I have to do, but I am not finding more free time. While the dynamics of my life are changing, I am still just as busy. The proverbial carrot is dangled in front of us saying that the older we get the less busy we are.

However, is that necessarily true? What you are doing may change, but are you still overly busy?

Finding Rest in Today’s Hectic World

Look around you and you will see people rushing here and there. People seem frazzled and pushed to the limit. We all have complained about being too busy. Life seems to simply be on the expressway going about 100 miles per hour and in every direction. So, what can a Grandwoman do to slow things down in her everyday life? Where can we find some rest for our minds and bodies in a world of being busy?

Here are a few tips to find rest in your busy world:

#1 – Do not multi-task or switch-task

I recently wrote an article on the downfalls of multitasking and switch-tasking. Did you know that people who try to do multiple things at one time or who switch from one task to another then back again are actually 40% less productive than people who do one task at a time?

When we do multiple things at one time, it takes us longer to complete the task, we are less mentally organized, and the results are often not the best we could do. So, look at your list of things to do and read tip #2!

#2 – Be picky with what goes on your to-do list

This is a hard one for me. I am a list person and feel everything needs to go on it. However, I have recently begun practicing the art of elimination. When I think something needs to be added to the list, I evaluate the necessity of it and consider the time I have in my day to do it. If I find my day is already full, I decide if the task is truly necessary or a “must-do” task. If it is, I remove something else from the list or if it isn’t, I keep it to the side for a later time.

How many tasks should be on a Grandwoman’s list? See tip #3!

#3 – Have a set number of tasks per day and ways to rest

This tip is one that varies immensely depending on each of us. How many tasks we should have on our list differs based upon multiple factors, such as, work, family obligations, physical health, etc. Review the time spent during each day doing the things you absolutely have to do (for example, hours you may work) then see how much “personal” time you have. Based upon the amount of “personal” time, decide a comfortable number of tasks to be completed that will not be overwhelming and/or exhausting.

How do we prevent being overwhelmed and exhausted you ask? See tip #4!

#4 – Devote time to quietness and other ways to rest

Find time every day to simply be in a place where the noise of the day is at a distance. This time can be for as little as 10 minutes a day or longer if you have it. Decide what it is that allows your mind to shut out the noise of the world and do that. For me, it is either read a book or take a walk.

What do you do to find that quiet place find ways to rest? Tip #5 suggests time away from it all.

#5 – Take time away from the daily routine

Ok, so this may be one of the hardest to do; however, it is one of the most important things we can do to give our mind the rest it needs. We must find time to disconnect away from the daily grind. This could be a trip away for a few days or just a day trip somewhere. My best friend and I love to browse in antique stores, so we set aside a day or two a month to just spend a few hours lost in the items of the past. Where you go, what you do and how often are completely up to you.

Just make certain to do it and do it on a regular basis! In order to do this, we must first stop saying yes to everything. Tip #6 gives you this power.

#6 – Give yourself permission to not be so helpful or available

It took me a long time to learn that it was ok to say, “no” when someone asked me to do something. I felt that I was being rude if I did say no and found myself anxious, overwhelmed or aggravated at the amount of time I was devoting to other people’s things. It wasn’t until my 30s when I had my son that I learned it was ok to say no most of the time. Evaluate who is asking and what they are asking to determine if you say yes or no.

It really is ok to say, “no thank you” or “I truly can’t do that right now.”



Honey Good reinvent yourself after 50 with new friends in your life

You Deserve a Break to Rest and Enjoy Life

We all know that time is precious and so it is important that we spend it wisely.  It’s important to find ways to rest. Some of you may be pros at this, but some of us need to be more mindful of this.

Just the other day I had lunch with a dear friend, and she said that at 65 she seems to be busier in retirement than she was when she was working. This reminded me of something I read that said we must be mindful of how we spend our time or what we do each day because we are exchanging a day of our life for it. Wow! This is what really started my journey of mindful rest and how I spend my time each and every day.

How do you spend yours? Do you give yourself time to rest your mind and body each day? If so, we would love to hear some ideas from you!


Dr. Bethany Johnson is a professor of sociology with 20 years of teaching in the classroom and online. She has a B.S. and Master’s degree in sociology, as well as, an Ed.D in Workforce Education. Her passion is motivating people towards a positive and self-rising mindset in today’s busy world. Her heart also lies in helping women recognize that one’s age does not define who you are or what you can do. 

She currently lives in Georgia with her husband and son. She loves reading, spending time with family and friends, as well as, traveling. If you find her on a beach, she is in her happy place! She can be contacted at drbjohnson@email.com, Facebook, or Instagram


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January 23, 2024

Passages After 50, Relationships

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  1. Bonnie says:

    First of all, I am retired. That doesn’t mean that I do nothing all day. It means that I choose what I want to do and also take time for “do nothing” pleasures. I have an yoga class once a week, plus two days with a personal trainer for strength training. I feel these are essential for my physical well being. For my personal well being, I connect with friends by playing online Scrabble, having lunch dates or going shopping with a girlfriend or multiple friends at one time, or just sitting quietly and reading a book. Life is good!!

    • Susan "Honey" Good says:

      I like your style! Good exercise for good health. Good games for a quick mind. Good friends for a good time. You got it girl, I am smiling. Warmly, Honey

  2. Pauline says:

    I have a real problem with retired people who complain about being too busy. Don’t tell a young mother that who may be juggling 3 or 4 kids and may also be holding down a job. If you are too busy maybe you need to learn to say no. I also have a problem with people who are bored. I refuse to be too busy. I belong to several groups but take time to read and relax.

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