When life gives us lemons, we just have to make ourselves some sweet lemonade. Here you’ll find our musings, pearls of wisdom, and personal stories to guide you through life’s passages. Explore how to embrace your beauty with style, discover new adventures, navigate the nuances of relationships, pull back the curtain to deal with life changes, and resonate with the reflections of other women.
March is here. Spring is approaching, and our clocks will spring forward in the next few days. My mood feels like March – a mix of anticipation and renewal. How I Forged Resilience Through Winter’s Trials The trials of my winter have empowered and invigorated me. While I won’t miss the sleeplessness and hospital stays […]
Today’s post was written by artistic and intrepid couple, Esther Siegel and Spencer Brewer. They have discovered a unique secret to keeping the retirement blues away … Assemblage art! Enjoy, darling. The joy and freedom of one’s retirement years can often come at the cost of a reduced sense of purpose and meaning causing the […]
What is Love? Valentine’s Day, which just passed, is the one day of the year dedicated to love. But I think every day in some small way should be dedicated to love. I can honestly tell you that I say or think about love several times a day. I realize that people come packaged with […]
Several online websites and social media channels on lifestyle appeal to women after 50 in beauty, fashion, entertainment, food, and travel. I frequent some of these sites. As a woman over 50, I have earned my Ph.D. So, I decided to discuss topics outside the limelight. My site, HoneyGood.com, and my three private FaceBook groups […]
I’m often asked by readers and friends, “How do I start journaling?” As a storyteller who has experienced every twist and turn life can offer, I have spent years chronicling my experiences privately in my journal and publicly on this website. I have found solace, joy, and acceptance upon the blank pages of my journals […]