When life gives us lemons, we just have to make ourselves some sweet lemonade. Here you’ll find our musings, pearls of wisdom, and personal stories to guide you through life’s passages. Explore how to embrace your beauty with style, discover new adventures, navigate the nuances of relationships, pull back the curtain to deal with life changes, and resonate with the reflections of other women.
Post-Christmas Love For You! And just like that… the Holidays are almost over! Can you believe next week is January 2021? Even though this year has been very tough, 2020 flew by so quickly. Now, I’m sure you all are thinking about a fresh start, New Year’s resolutions, etc., etc., etc… But, I just want […]
Dear Darlings, During this time of COVID, God, grant us the serenity to accept the things we cannot change, the courage to change the things we can, and the wisdom to celebrate this Christmas in quiet reflection and peace. Sending love and sprigs of mistletoe from our home to yours. Warmly, Shelly, America, and Honey
How Gratitude Can Radically Improve Your Life I believe every day should be Gratitude Day (it’s an actual holiday that occurs each September.) Especially after the year 2020… we very much need gratitude in our lives. While the official nature of this holiday reminds us to reflect on all the wonderful aspects of our lives, […]
This the Season to Be Jolly! Christmas is upon us! Now, we all know this holiday season has looked very different than our past ones. However, I was thinking about what it means to be jolly, especially now. Jolly means “happy and cheerful,” via the dictionary. And, there are so many things that make me […]
Be Fierce, Adaptable and Committed in Elsewhere It has been almost a year that the world population has been living under the threat of the COVID-19. Living in social isolation and in Elsewhere (what I call America these days) seems to be becoming the norm. There are many who fear the world is on the […]