When life gives us lemons, we just have to make ourselves some sweet lemonade. Here you’ll find our musings, pearls of wisdom, and personal stories to guide you through life’s passages. Explore how to embrace your beauty with style, discover new adventures, navigate the nuances of relationships, pull back the curtain to deal with life changes, and resonate with the reflections of other women.
I often think about how life has changed forever since COVID-19… I wake up squeezed and entangled between my Ultimate Concierge and our pooch, America. They are breathing in unison and ever so softly; each one in deep sleep. I struggle to untangle myself as quietly as possible so I don’t disturb them and… it […]
Life in Elsewhere has had its emotional effect on me. I feel blah. I am edgy, I am angry, fearful, and I am lonesome for my family and life as I knew it. And, I miss the freedom to come and go and simply be. My belief that our Democratic way of life would never […]
Let’s Shop Online Together! Darling, I have very fun and exciting news… Today, October 13th, and tomorrow, October 14th is Amazon Prime Day! For the next two days, as Prime members on Amazon, you’ll get access to brilliant sales and wonderful deals – especially on electronics. Now, since this sale is only for Prime members, […]
Have You Joined GRANDwomen with Moxie? Darlings, what a week it has been! I have been hard at work packing up our home in California and traveling back to Chicago. It’s been emotional, but I’m also so grateful for the journey. I wanted to take a minute to make sure all of you have signed […]
Feeling Unsure and Invisible in Life When I was a much younger woman, I felt unsure and invisible. I was in my thirties and both of my children were in school. So, I was venturing into a new field as a professional storyteller in the local schools. Hawaii was a very casual place at that […]