Best Freelance Jobs for People at the Age 50+
What are the odds of people freelancing over the age of 50+ making the profession work? And, what kind of work is best for freelancers of this age? What should they pay attention to?
The biggest advantage of people over 50+ is their professional and life experience; if it is applied correctly. This same experience could hurt people over 50+ when it is applied incorrectly.
Let me explain…
What Does a Customer Want From a Freelancer?
- To get the job done on time.
- The work is done efficiently.
- To make the process of communicating with a freelancer clear and enjoyable.
Older people usually have higher professional competencies; usually, but not always. It is easier to find a highly qualified accountant among 50-year-olds (and older) than among 30-year-olds or, even 20-year-olds (almost impossible).
This applies to lawyers, copywriters, editors, and translators alike. And there are many more such specialists who are in demand today, where experience is an important element in a freelancer’s asset.
Among the “young professions” (programmer, graphic designer, SMM specialist, targeting specialist, etc.), young people dominate. This is understandable: in their youth, the elder generation was not taught this. Although, of course, it does not mean that they cannot learn it now.
As for soft skills (communication skills, emotional intelligence, management skills, flexibility, reliability, etc.), older people often have higher competencies here. By the way, the high level of soft skills among the older generation has become one of the main reasons why many employers have begun to give priority to age specialists. Provided, of course, that they have other necessary skills.
Thus, if an older freelancer can offer customers a good professional level and demonstrate excellent communication skills, then he or she has a high chance of being successful as a freelancer.
The Best Freelance Jobs for People Age 50+
Now, let’s consider what the best freelance jobs for people age 50+ are…
Today you can make money without leaving your home. There are hundreds of professions in demand on the Internet, which can be mastered even after 50 years.
- For example, engineering professionals often study programming, layout, or software testing. In large cities, you can work as a programmer, become a system administrator.
- People with a humanitarian mindset are close to the profession of a copywriter and content manager.
- Artists, decorators can become designers, illustrators. You can independently master the creation of banners for websites and other ways to make money in design.
- Teachers can work as tutors. Teachers of foreign languages are especially in demand now.
- If you do not have a special education, then there is a lot of work on the Internet that you can do with basic computer literacy: a call-center operator, a support service specialist.
It follows from the above that the recommended field of activity for older freelancers is one in which they have a lot of experience. Choose a sphere, which can be adapted to new market conditions, where the main thing is the ability to use technology.
If it suddenly turns out that your experience is not suitable for freelancing, then choose the area that:
- does not require long training and practice to achieve a level of professional competence that is relevant to market demands.
For example, older people often have a better basic education. They are better at texts, translations, and similar activities.
- is in high demand on freelance exchanges and recruiting resources (in the vacancy sections with offers of remote work with flexible hours or part-time work).
What Should Older Freelancers Lookout for First?
- Health
If you do not develop habits for physical education and proper nutrition, performance will suffer. And it won’t be easy to be successful in freelancing with low efficiency.
- Susceptibility to innovations
There are many different services and programs that make the work of a freelancer easier. A freelancer should monitor the market for the emergence of new software and master what can help him or her in work.
- Connections
By the age of fifty, a person often has a thick notebook with contacts of people who can help with their first orders. Use this opportunity as this is the fastest and most reliable way to start earning in the first months of freelancing.
In Conclusion
Summing up the above, I want to emphasize once again: the chances of success are the greater, the better and more actively a freelancer who is elder than 50 uses his or her experience. Experience is the golden asset of the aging freelancer. The main thing is to adapt it to new conditions, and not to stick to outdated knowledge and beliefs.
Have you considered a freelance career after the age of 50+? Let us know in the comments at the bottom of this page! We want to hear from you.
About the Author: Thornie Longmuir is an SEO specialist and content creator. Since 2007, he has been working in the field of information technology and internet communications for the website EssayShark. Now, he practices search engine optimization (SEO) for sites, as well as for leading advertising companies such as Google AdWords and Facebook. Follow him on Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn.
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I am 58 years old and have been retired two years. I have been trying to think of a career from home. I have a medical background in clinical trials but I also love to write and plan on writing a book one day.
I would love to work from home but I have not been able to find anything yet. I have so much Accounting experience, worked in Payables also done Payroll. But nothing has happened yet.
thanks, nice post
You are welcome. Honey Good
thanks, nice post
You are so welcome. Warmly, Honey
How are you ? I am from Dhaka, Bangladesh. Now I am 51 y. I worked as a Senior Merchandiser in Garments Section and had a long experience in this section for about 23 y. After Bypass surgery now I am at home . Pls advise which sector of Freelancing is suitable for me.
Hi Kazi, In my humble opinion I would recommend the Beauty Sector.Every woman over 50 is interested in staying visible and vital. Hope this helps. Warmly, Honey
nice post to read on google
Thank you!!! Warmly, Honey