When life gives us lemons, we just have to make ourselves some sweet lemonade. Here you’ll find our musings, pearls of wisdom, and personal stories to guide you through life’s passages. Explore how to embrace your beauty with style, discover new adventures, navigate the nuances of relationships, pull back the curtain to deal with life changes, and resonate with the reflections of other women.
As I reflect on my journey as a grandmother, I’m struck by how different the role of a modern grandmother is compared to the days of my own grandmothers. Back then, grandmothers were often seen as the gentle nurturers, the keepers of family recipes, and the sources of endless kisses and comfort. They were the […]
Please don’t live your life according to what others think you should do. Live according to what your heart and mind tell you to do. In other words, be an authentic woman—to yourself, be true. You are capable of tapping into your authenticity, resilience, and hopefulness. If you do, you can cope when beset by […]
Today’s post was written by the ageless beauty herself, Catherine Grace O’Connell. She’s a 60+ model who did not get in front of a camera until she was in her mid-50s. Last month, she shared her Top 5 Tips for getting the most flattering pictures. What I loved most about that story was how she […]
When I look at my life, I have few regrets. I have a wonderful life. What would I wish for right now if I could wish upon a star? I would wish to go back in time and spend more together time with my grands throughout the year and especially during all of the holidays. […]
This morning as I gazed out my window at the calm waters of Lake Michigan, I couldn’t help but reflect on the challenges many of us face in our lifetimes. Like you, I have navigated through turbulent and choppy waters, sometimes feeling like I was gasping for air as I struggled to stay afloat. However, […]