Today, darling, I want to write about something that has been on my mind a lot lately. You know I believe that age is only a number and that 50+ is its own exciting chapter, not a closing act. With those beliefs, on top of the things going on in my personal life, I’ve been […]
Taking time to reflect and reconnect with yourself is one of the greatest gifts you can give yourself after 50. I know that you are pushed for time. And I know you lack time to concentrate on your innermost feelings. I know you have little time for serenity, for the quiet of the day to […]
*Affiliate Disclosure Want to know the secret to living a sweet life after 50? Even though this year has been a difficult one for me, I’d still say my life is pretty sweet—and yours can be too. Life’s sweetness doesn’t depend on perfection but on how we approach it. Here are 10 ways to make […]
*Affiliate disclosure. Within the Honey Good community, we talk a lot about gratitude and what it means both for others and for ourselves when we express it. In fact, did you know it even has the power to boost your health? But back to my musings, darling… A Thank You Note Will Always Be in […]
How many of you have taken the time to write down moments about your life that are worth celebrating as a woman after 50? I doubt many have. In fact, I wouldn’t be writing on this topic if a woman hadn’t asked me to muse about it. For a full day, darlings, I pondered. I […]