
Keeping in Touch Keeps You Alive and Lively

Stay Lively And Beat Loneliness After 50 By Doing This

Blogger Rosemary Bointon wrote today’s post on how to stay lively and beat loneliness after 50! Enjoy, darlings!   Have you found that you’re not keeping in touch with friends and maybe even family after 50?  You lose the camaraderie of working, your kids have long since set up their own lives on the other […]


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Honey Good on a treadmill investing in her health

How To Deal With Widowhood During The Holidays

The topic of widowhood often comes up in my private Facebook group, Celebrate Life, especially around the holidays. Many women after 50 have suffered the devastating loss of a spouse. I am certain there will be discussions on how to deal with widowhood during the Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Hanukkah holidays. (If you are interested in […]


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Harnessing Fall Energy: Your 7 Top Accessories for Scorpio Season

Harnessing Fall Energy: Your 7 Top Accessories for Scorpio Season

Astrology writer Narayana Montúfar wrote today’s post on 7 top accessories for Scorpio season. If you haven’t yet enjoyed her post about home decor based on your moon sign, be sure to indulge in that post after reading this one. Enjoy, darlings! Welcome to the heart of the Fall, the time of the year in […]


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My Thoughts on Gratitude, Thanksgiving, Being Thankful

My Thoughts on Gratitude

Dennis Prager says, “Gratitude is the most important element to a person’s happiness.” The dictionary defines gratitude as the quality of being thankful and being ready to show appreciation for and return kindness. As a woman after 50, I believe gratitude is a mindset that can be learned through one’s experiences. Being thankful and giving […]


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top amazon products for women after 50

Amazon Products Every Woman Over 50 Needs

Darlings, all of us gorgeous women over 50 love Amazon, and I say it’s time to do a little shopping for ourselves!  If you read my blogs earlier this week, you know we’ve spent some time discussing nurturing and prioritizing yourself. What better way to do that than with a little online shopping? From top […]


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Many women over 50 do. I have found, the key to feeling relevant, important, and VISIBLE lies within you. I hope my free eBook will help you rediscover your purpose, and see the value that I so clearly see in you. 

as a woman, do you feel invisible?