Have you made the choice of happiness and peace, dear reader? I have. It is 4:38 am on Thursday, the 13th of January. Twelve days of the month have passed and I am on track to meet my objectives of putting order back into my life. Though truth be told, it took all my effort […]
My New Year’s resolutions of the past have never worked out well. They never worked because my resolutions were too specific. An example would be losing weight. This placed me under pressure. I felt a knot in my tummy because if I didn’t lose the weight I was upset and if I did succeed I […]
Happy New Year, dear readers. As I look at Honey Good’s most popular posts of 2021, I see hope for the coming year. Truth be told, I cannot say that I am upset to see 2021 behind me. It was a tough year for many of us, and I personally found myself a bit lost. […]
Lately, I have been thinking back instead of living in the moment and looking forward. I always preach that living in the present is a gift, living in the past is over and living in the future is a waste of one’s precious time. However, lately the past, even with its hills and valleys, seems […]
I know from my personal experience that women need women in their lives; the right type of women that mirror their lifestyle and values. Joining different groups, I believe, affords women these opportunities. You know women over the age of 50+ have time to enjoy and benefit from having other women in their lives. Women […]