We made it to August, darling. It’s been hot, but I am so grateful for my health and the health of my family. As well, I love waking up early to walk America through downtown Chicago and enjoy the sound of the birds and the sunlight. I love taking care of myself, journaling and thinking […]
What is your first thought when you open up your eyes each morning? Do you wake up feeling positive? Does your mind stay in the present or do you dwell on your past? Are you a woman whose first thought of the day is, “The sky is falling but I will whistle a happy tune […]
You have to be able to act effectively and use your imagination in difficult situations. Life in Elsewhere (America today) is difficult for every human being. Those of us who are resourceful will survive. We will find ways to make our lives palatable and even grow from our experience. I am living a purposeful and […]
In this Tuesday’s blog, I invited you to write to me at Ask Honey and tell me why you are a fierce woman over 50. Why? A few years ago I was given the same assignment and after I wrote down my thoughts I thought to myself, “I am a fierce woman. I am powerful […]
Man’s Inhumanity to His Fellow Man As I am sitting at my computer on a beautiful summer day in my beautiful Chicago, I know myself; therefore, I turn on the music instead of the news. When I turn on the news I feel depressed because I am frightened by the constant discord taking place in […]