Happy Last Week of February! Darlings, March is upon us! Can you believe it? I know I can’t. Time really does go by quickly as we age. Remember as children when time used to crawl right on by? We must learn to embrace life, move forward and keep going no matter what. I know that […]
Ask Honey – Advice For Women Over 50 February 7, 2020 The passionate woman with enthusiasm is a much happier woman than the woman who gets stuck in her own negativity when problems arise. Everyone feels low and blue when problems arise. If you want to communicate with another person for help but shy away […]
This post is written by Honey Good Guest Contributor, Dr. Barbara Becker Holstein. She speaks to how our coming of age stories can shape our lives and the importance of sharing memories. Enjoy, Darlings! Coming of Age Journeys We all have to go through the social and psychological steps of coming of age as we move from […]
Darlings, today’s blog is written by the wonderful dating and romance expert, Lisa Copeland. I understand that many people struggle with dating. However, after 50, dating can be especially tiring. In this article, Lisa delves into the trait of confidence and how it relates to dating in your 50s. Enjoy! CONFIDENCE IS KEY TO DATING IN YOUR 50S […]
At HoneyGood.com, and in the Good family, “Positive Thinking in 2020” is our New Year’s resolution. After reading my true story, I think you will agree. I sent out several holiday emails over the last few days. One message was to a Honey Good contributor whose practice is Positive Psychology. In my email, I said, […]