In today’s guest post, Lisa Hall details how she courageously upended her life and moved to India and the expected and unexpected changes that followed. (She previously shared her tips on staying glamorous in a hot climate and she was featured in my “who to follow on Instagram” list) Indulge in the belief that, if […]
This morning as I gazed out my window at the calm waters of Lake Michigan, I couldn’t help but reflect on the challenges many of us face in our lifetimes. Like you, I have navigated through turbulent and choppy waters, sometimes feeling like I was gasping for air as I struggled to stay afloat. However, […]
*Affiliate disclosure. My life, a short nine months ago, was the size of the world, and overnight, it became the size of a freckle. You’re probably feeling sad for me, but I beg you, please don’t, because my freckle is stuffed to the brim with so many marvelous accessories that bring me pleasure and wonder. […]
I received several responses from you, sweet readers, on my Sunday Story on July 1, 2024, titled “The Passionate Pursuit of Solitary Pleasure.” One reader wrote: “This was a beautiful peace, Honey. It felt, though, like a prologue. What ARE your inner pursuits and solitary pleasures? Keep yourself together and fulfill day-to-day obligations, but HOW […]
Every year, on the Fourth of July, millions of Americans turn their eyes towards Liberty Island. No matter what is going on in this beautiful country of ours, whether or not we are still in the throws of Elsewhere, we look to Lady Liberty as our North Star. The Statue of Liberty, a beacon of […]