Welcome Back to My Podcast, My Darlings! If you are just tuning into my podcast, start at the first episode. If you’ve been listening since the beginning, I have a very exciting guest for you this week! In this new episode, my darlings I had the great pleasure to interview Chef AJ. She is an […]
This post is sponsored by Med-IQ but all opinions are my own. Med-IQ is an accredited medical education company that provides an exceptional educational experience for physicians, nurses, pharmacists and other healthcare professionals. As you know, darlings, I was once diagnosed with two different types of cancer in one day. It was the most challenging thing […]
Lately, my mind has been flooded with disappointments caused by bad decisions. I feel bogged down and engulfed in a deluge of baggage. It is very uncomfortable to fall short and blow an important decision. In my case, I did not have enough information to make a smart decision, so I relied on others: references […]
Everyone says forgiveness is a lovely idea until they have something to forgive – C.S. Lewis Forgiving a person that hurts you is difficult. And forgetting can be nearly impossible. Explain this to your grandchildren. You might say something like: “I have learned, dear Grands of mine, that we hurt ourselves when we harbor anger. […]
Nothing strikes terror into a woman’s heart quite like breast cancer. The statistics are breathtaking: 1 in 8 women are diagnosed with breast cancer – who among us hasn’t either experienced breast cancer or known someone who has? Recently, as part of my podcast series, I had the chance to sit down with Rachel Beller, […]