The first thing that pops into our minds when we think of the word luxury are material possessions. Right? I happen to love the meaning of the word for a different reason. Luxury, to me, is a ‘lasting’ state of great emotional comfort. A material possession brings a woman instant comfort, like a shooting star. […]
We all have regrets, which are self-imposed punishments — I see those as the pits in the sweet bowl of cherries that we call life. Some pits linger inside forever, some are throwaways after we make amends to those we love. There are dumb things we did or didn’t do, and some have been put […]
Happy Mother’s Day. Today, I celebrate you because you spent years of your life holding your children close, stroking their heads, helping them solve their problems, tucking them into bed, and telling them that all would be well. You asked for nothing in return except their love and respect. You were unselfish in your devotion. […]
A woman who practices the art of bending with empowerment is a powerful force. She understands that positive bending leads to a charmed and richer lifestyle. This woman flows with the tide and positively bends with the wind. She is wise and flexible. To a point, she follows rules. She also makes her own. She is […]
Day in and day out we negotiate. We even negotiate with ourselves. When you think about a woman’s life, negotiations of all types occur every single day. From a young age, we begin to learn the art of negotiation: the art of having discussions with the aim of reaching an amenable outcome. Unfortunately, mutually-beneficial agreements […]