Every week I let you in on one piece of how I live my life. I have rounded up some of my most popular pieces of advice for the past year to remind you how to have a fabulous 2018. We all know traveling and visiting new places can be amazing, but the lead up, […]
Exploring your life after the age of 50 can open the door to countless opportunities. It is so worth your while to nurture your curiosity by engaging and participating in new activities. I believe curiosity is the “cat’s meow.” When you jump out of your comfort zone and take on challenges, you will feel vital […]
Darlings, this has been a week of new experiences and recounting when experiences were new. Not all of them pleasant, but all of them meaningful. To start with the somber, I shared with all of you a podcast I appeared on about widowhood. It was emotional to recount even after all of these years and […]
I walked in on my ultimate concierge. He was sitting at his desk. I blurted out, “Shelly, I have been married to you for 26 years and you have never heard me say, ‘I am so very tired.’ Everything and everyone else comes first and I have forgotten about myself. I want to get away and reconnect with me.” He stared at me with a worried and […]
The Thanksgiving holiday is fast approaching darlings! I hope you are enjoying this time of family, friends and holiday, but also being sure to take care of yourself. It is so enjoyable to be in hustle and bustle mode, but it’s easy to get worn out. Remember to take time, relax, and think about what […]