
Embracing oil in skincare after 50

Not much really has to change as we mature, right? We are certainly capable of still being stylish, cool and beautiful. However, if we’re talking skin care, one thing definitely does change- the needs of our skin! Now, I do not believe that we are doomed to skin troubles after 50; we just have to make sure that we are catering […]


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French Beauty Products

The best eye makeup for women over 50

After 50, we need eye makeup that doesn’t smear, doesn’t flake and, above all else, it cannot migrate into fine lines. Today, I am sharing some of the best best eye makeup for women over 50: no smearing, smudging, flaking or aggravating! Best Eye Makeup After 50: Brows Well-groomed eyebrows are essential at every age. […]


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blow dryer

Haircare advice for women over 50

Our hair is our crowning glory and yet, as we age, some of the challenges of all that hair can give us headaches. Hair may go gray, get thinner or become dry and brittle and make haircare after 50 demanding. I am not one to bemoan, dear readers. Nor am I one to sit idly […]


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What to consider when changing your hairstyle after 50

  There’s a lot to think through if you’re a woman looking for a new hairstyle after 50, but first a story for why you should. At 96 years old, my mother continues to live outside of the box. She has always tackled everything on her plate. She learned to play every card game. She learned to […]


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The best bath products for women’s relaxation

I’ve often mentioned my love for early morning showers. But once in awhile, when I really crave rejuvenation, I take a soothing swim… in a bubble bath, of course! For all of us who need to escape, but can’t afford to hop on a jet and fly away, the bathtub is an affordable destination for […]


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Many women over 50 do. I have found, the key to feeling relevant, important, and VISIBLE lies within you. I hope my free eBook will help you rediscover your purpose, and see the value that I so clearly see in you. 

as a woman, do you feel invisible?