Grief & Widowhood

Condolence Card

How to Write a Condolence Card

Loss of a spouse, a parent, a sibling, a child — oh my God, a child! — a close friend, a pet or a colleague creates despair, emotional turmoil, worries, and a thousand different feelings. *Affiliate disclosure.  Sending a condolence card is hard but necessary Those who hear or read the news of the loss […]

Grief & Widowhood, Passages After 50, Relationships

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honey good surviving widowhood

The Tools I Used to Survive Widowhood

  Navigating widowhood is a painful and aching experience. I understand this firsthand, having walked this path myself. It’s been more than three decades since I received the phone call and received the news of my first husband’s passing, and the feeling is still palpable. My story and experiences will hopefully enlighten you with the answers […]

Advice, Grief & Widowhood, Relationships

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Honey Good writing her thoughts with a melancholy look, musing on why her daughters are estranged from her family estrangement

How to Say Goodbye to an Estranged Child

Are you aware that tens of millions of families are living through a nightmare of suffering and  intolerable pain brought on by  adult- child estrangement?  Probably not because parents living in the midst of estrangement hide their situation due to embarrassment. They feel they failed in their role of solid parenting though in actuality estrangement […]

Advice, Grandchildren, Grief & Widowhood, Relationships

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How I Survived The Loss Of My Husband


My first experience with death and mourning occurred with the untimely loss of my late husband, Michael. Losing my soulmate was debilitating. I can best describe myself as shattered and shocked. One day I was young, in my forties with two precious daughters living near the sea, in Honolulu, Hawaii. Life in the Islands with Michael, also […]

Advice, Grief & Widowhood, Relationships

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Many women over 50 do. I have found, the key to feeling relevant, important, and VISIBLE lies within you. I hope my free eBook will help you rediscover your purpose, and see the value that I so clearly see in you. 

as a woman, do you feel invisible?