Passages After 50

The Beauty of Middle Age & Beyond

The Beauty of Middle Age & Beyond

I take pleasure knowing that we are not women of yesteryear! Why? Because in today’s world we make choices that our mothers and grandmothers couldn’t make! How lucky is that?! Think about all that you do that your grandmother never imagined and you should already feel a weight lifted off of your shoulders because you […]

Passages After 50

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Weekend Musings: Seeing Gold!

Oscar! Who will win? Did you know that voting for the 91st Academy Awards ends in just days? According to The New York Times, 8,200 movie industry insiders will vote for the pictures, actors and actresses, and other talents who have the chance to receive the coveted gold statue on February 24, 2019. So, today, […]

Passages After 50

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Finding Support and Hope In A Cancer Diagnosis

Finding Support and Hope In A Cancer Diagnosis

  This post is sponsored by Med-IQ but all opinions are my own. Med-IQ, an accredited medical education company that provides an exceptional educational experience for physicians, nurses, pharmacists, and other healthcare professionals  The other day, a question was posed to me, “What’s the most challenging thing you’ve experienced in your adult life?” The answer […]

Passages After 50

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Tulips, Oscars, and Money! Who’s Intrigued?

Happy Saturday, darlings! Whew, what a week. I flew from California back to my Sweet Home Chicago. And, while in California, I went outside of my comfort zone once more and recorded podcasts. I’ll be sharing soon! But enough about me, what a week in the news, as well!  I never get into politics on, […]

Passages After 50

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The Best Martin Luther King Jr. Quotes

Known as an Icon for Democracy, Martin Luther King, Jr. took on many roles, peacefully. As an American Baptist minister, activist, humanitarian, and leader in civil rights, King was a true “Word Warrior.” He championed non-violent civil disobedience to create monumental change often calling upon his Christian beliefs in leading a peaceful uprising against racial inequality. And […]

Passages After 50

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Many women over 50 do. I have found, the key to feeling relevant, important, and VISIBLE lies within you. I hope my free eBook will help you rediscover your purpose, and see the value that I so clearly see in you. 

as a woman, do you feel invisible?