No one can do everything alone which is why it’s so crucial to show respect and gratitude to helpers. 2015 is almost over. I have written over fifty “Good Morning” stories, or GMS, my Sunday special, this past year! It is not easy to think back on one’s life, recall an incident, and then put those […]
We just went to a wedding and I am excited to share what I call “the happening,” a beautiful blending families at a wedding. My husband Shelly and I didn’t know what to expect as we drove to Bloomington, Indiana to attend the wedding weekend at the University of Indiana of our grandson Logan to, his love, […]
I was recently at a charity luncheon. There were hundreds of women in the room; most over 55. The speaker’s delivery did not capture my attention so it was natural that my mind began to wander as my eyes took in the room. I asked myself a question, “What would the women in this room write […]
We lived in a quiet neighborhood, with a peaceful name, Old Orchard. The next forty-eight hours of my life would prove to be anything but peaceful! Those hours were the most stressful hours I had spent in my thirty-some years! And, I brought it all on myself! The story began in Old Orchard, our beautiful […]
By Lorraine Iverson. The holidays are quickly upon us. In our family that means many gatherings with our blended families. Besides the usual Thanksgiving and Christmas celebrations we have several December birthdays and there’s also my husband’s family’s “sort of Jewish” Hanukah tossed into the mix. I have been blessed with many wonderful relationships in […]