

Do Your Grandchildren Know How to Write a Proper Thank You Note?

*Affiliate disclosure. Within the Honey Good community, we talk a lot about gratitude and what it means both for others and for ourselves when we express it. In fact, did you know it even has the power to boost your health? But back to my musings, darling… A Thank You Note Will Always Be in […]

Advice, gifts for grandkids, Grandchildren

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The Modern Grandmother: A Fusion of Strength, Style, and Spirit

As I reflect on my journey as a grandmother, I’m struck by how different the role of a modern grandmother is compared to the days of my own grandmothers. Back then, grandmothers were often seen as the gentle nurturers, the keepers of family recipes, and the sources of endless kisses and comfort. They were the […]

Advice, Grandchildren, Relationships

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the challenges of Grandmotherhood, article written by Christine Crosby

The Challenges of GRANDmotherhood

I was recently honored to be featured in GRAND Magazine (read the feature here). Learn more about this priceless (yet free!) resource for grandmothers in today’s story written by the editor, Christine Crosby. Enjoy, darling! Grandmothers play an indispensable role in the success and well-being of society, serving as pillars of wisdom, love, and support […]

Entertainment, Grandchildren, Relationships

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Honey Good writing her thoughts with a melancholy look, musing on why her daughters are estranged from her family estrangement

How to Say Goodbye to an Estranged Child

Are you aware that tens of millions of families are living through a nightmare of suffering and  intolerable pain brought on by  adult- child estrangement?  Probably not because parents living in the midst of estrangement hide their situation due to embarrassment. They feel they failed in their role of solid parenting though in actuality estrangement […]

Advice, Grandchildren, Grief & Widowhood, Relationships

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Honey and shelly with butterfly background


Darling, have you ever used a loom? I think the loom and the threads we weave are a perfect metaphor for the relationships after 50 that we create and maintain. You know, and I know, that life after 50 is rich and colorful in so many ways, possibly the most vibrant aspect are the unique […]

Advice, Grandchildren, Passages After 50, Relationships, Self Care

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Many women over 50 do. I have found, the key to feeling relevant, important, and VISIBLE lies within you. I hope my free eBook will help you rediscover your purpose, and see the value that I so clearly see in you. 

as a woman, do you feel invisible?