
wanderlust after 50 on Honey Good thinking of travel

The Importance of Being a Curious Woman After 50

*Affiliate disclosure. I feel a rush of ‘joie de vivre’ when I am a curious woman. Just hearing the word puts me on a high. In today’s Sunday Story I want to share with you the benefits of being a curious woman after 50. Please subscribe to my newsletter and never miss a story. WHAT […]


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growing up jewish at christmas time

Are You Grateful for Helpers? Here’s How You Show Your Gratitude

*Affiliate disclosure. We, darlings, make guest lists for throwing parties. We have gift lists for our family and friends. We have lists for tasks. We are inundated with lists and lists and more lists. My lists have lists. Over the past few days, I have begun to think of inspiring, extremely good, admirable, delightful, out-of-this-world […]


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honey good women need women adult friendships

How Groups Are the Answer to Changing Friendships in Adulthood

Next Saturday, I will be sitting on an airplane for the first time in 33 years without my best friend, my ultimate concierge. As the plane lifts off for La Guardia in the Big Apple, I know tears will build-up as I struggle traveling alone to a group event without my constant sidekick. I am […]

Advice, Passages After 50, Relationships, Self Care

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Image of Honey Good outside in nature in early fall thinking of the four agreements.

Surrender to Empowerment: How I Broke Free from Gaslighting

I have been thinking… Like most women, I do a lot of that. Sometimes, I am so busy thinking that I get dizzy from overthinking! What do I think about? Everything! I am a ponderer. I listen, question, and observe before concluding. Over the past week, after watching a few movies, I decided to write […]

Advice, Passages After 50, Relationships

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Exercises and Practices For Mind and Body Health After 50+

So, what is a good meditator? The one who meditates. – Allan Lokos Are you struggling to find health practices for your mind and body? Today’s story is dedicated to meditation, Tai chi, walking, yoga, and much more. No matter what is happening in life, we could all use a little bit of ZEN for […]

Passages After 50, Relationships

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Many women over 50 do. I have found, the key to feeling relevant, important, and VISIBLE lies within you. I hope my free eBook will help you rediscover your purpose, and see the value that I so clearly see in you. 

as a woman, do you feel invisible?