This story is about positivity and negativity and how we can lead our grands to choose the glass-half-full mentality. Our personality type is in our DNA and we pass this on to our children and grands. When I say DNA, I am not specifically referring to our genetic code in the scientific sense. What I […]
It has been difficult to stay positive lately, but something today triggered a memory that I am holding tight. I think it will help you, too, darling. I remember this one morning, to a tee, the profoundly happy effect that positive words triggered in a body that was not feeling well. I’d lost my voice […]
Do you embrace serendipity, darling? I make it a point to. I don’t live in the past (even if I do explore my past lives! More on that below). Truth be told, I don’t often think of the past because I am too busy thinking about today. Of course, I have my memories tucked tight […]
Gaslighting, Estrangement, and Surrender This story is written for the tens of thousands of good mothers, grandmothers, grandchildren, and all the other women who have been gaslighted by another person. Gaslighting Another Person is a Travesty Gaslighting is when someone manipulates you into believing something that isn’t true. Gaslighting can manipulate others who know you […]
Soothing Melodies – Can Music Ward Off Loneliness? I think music is a connection with other people, both literally and figuratively. Let me explain. Listening to any form of music can soothe any type of mood. On a personal note, I am far more drawn to the composer’s music than to a lyricist’s lyrics. A […]