I have often wondered why some of us are more grateful than others. Through reading the works of scholars, I have learned that gratitude is part nature and part nurture. Two identical twins with identical DNA have identical feelings about gratitude. Fraternal twins have a 50% chance of feeling the same emotion. I decided to […]
Dedicated to My Father on Father’s Day To all of my darlings, Today is Father’s Day. For those of you fortunate to have your father, I am very happy for you. For those of you with sons-in-law who are fathers, I send a Happy Father’s Day to them. And for you who have lost your […]
Meet My Darling Husband, Shelly Good! Welcome back to my podcast, darlings. If you are just tuning in, start at the first episode. If you’re all caught up, get ready for a real treat. In this new episode, my darlings, I had a wonderful time interviewing my ultimate concierge of over 20+ years, Shelly Good. It […]
Happy Weekend My Darlings! What a week it has been. I am finally back home in my beloved Chicago, my darlings, only to be traveling to Arizona very soon. You can only imagine the packing and unpacking that has been going on. But, I am so grateful to be living this full and wonderful life. […]
The Wisdom “The day I understood everything, was the day I stopped trying to figure everything out. The day I knew peace was the day I let everything go.” ― C. JoyBell C. My darlings, isn’t this a novel idea? In this beautiful quote, the word peace resonates within me. It’s the idea of letting go of […]