My dog, Orchid, made my heart sing. She spent many of her waking hours with me. She was always at my side when I wrote my musings. She was my little partner. She died in my arms, with her huge black eyes looking into mine, kissing my hand as the doctor ended her life, in […]
Have you ever noticed we use adjectives before nouns to describe our significant others? Lots of adjectives, right darlings! Great husband, fun significant other, devoted husband, etc. You know the adjective and noun I use to describe my husband, Sheldon Good… ultimate concierge. I know you all love the description because you tell me in […]
The last story that I wrote regarding Zelda, Geraldine and Bullyista was going to be the final chapter, but surprisingly, and yet not surprisingly, the saga continued. As the narrator of their story, I never thought there would be the need for a third blog post. After all, I had planned on the last story […]
I have always, from the time I was a young girl, cherished and respected my relationships with my girlfriends. I observed my mother and her friends, and they left a positive impact on me. After listening to many women throughout the past few years, I discovered friendships after 50 are simply more important, so […]
If you want an Alpha Man in your life – and most of my clients who are Alpha Women always tell me they do – what I’m going to share with you today is important information you’ll want to know and remember. I’ll give you a hint… it’s just four simple words. How Four Simple Words Can […]