gifts for grandkids


Do Your Grandchildren Know How to Write a Proper Thank You Note?

*Affiliate disclosure. Within the Honey Good community, we talk a lot about gratitude and what it means both for others and for ourselves when we express it. In fact, did you know it even has the power to boost your health? But back to my musings, darling… A Thank You Note Will Always Be in […]

Advice, gifts for grandkids, Grandchildren

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Valentine's Day gifts for kids and grandkids, Honey Good

Valentine’s Day Gifts for Kids and Grandchildren That They’ll Love to Recieve

*Affiliate Disclosure When Valentine’s Day comes around, we can’t forget the little love bugs in our life. But shopping for Valentine’s Day gifts for kids and grandkids isn’t easy! Especially for the little guys in our life. Sure, we show them love all year, but we want to make them feel as special and as […]

gifts for grandkids, Holidays, Shopping

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holiday shopping guide

12 Days of Holiday Shopping: Honey’s Ultimate Gift Guide

*Affiliate Disclosure I adore holiday shopping and this year I’m ready to go all out. I’ve been plotting and planning ways to make this holiday season special. A big part of that, of course, will be where I am and who I’m with. But another part of it will be knowing that I’ve put the […]

gifts for grandkids, Shopping

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Many women over 50 do. I have found, the key to feeling relevant, important, and VISIBLE lies within you. I hope my free eBook will help you rediscover your purpose, and see the value that I so clearly see in you. 

as a woman, do you feel invisible?