

This article on the best brows after 50 was updated in July 2023 to include even better tips and products. Enjoy! *Affiliate Disclosure Good eyebrows, ones that add structure and definition to our faces, can be attained at any age. The problem for many of us at 50+ is that we went a bit crazy […]


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The Best Mascaras for Women Over 50+

Let’s talk about the best mascaras for older women! As we women gracefully embrace the passage of time, our beauty routines evolve to suit our changing needs. One essential component of any makeup look is mascara, which has the remarkable ability to frame and enhance the eyes. I was surprised to find that a study […]


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Honey Good shows off her summer accessories in her well-organized closet

How to Edit and Shop Your Own Wardrobe

*Affiliate Disclosure I recall this spring, my spirit felt renewed and reawakened because my Ultimate Concierge and I traveled to East Africa with three of our grandsons. I felt so hopeful. I feel so hopeful.    “A woman after 50 should not want to be ‘something’ when she dons her outerwear from her closet. She […]


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Honey Good holding vest

How to Find Your Style After 50 by Looking Back

Your style after 50 stays true and steady even though “fashion” is here today gone tomorrow. Some say, “Don’t look back, you’re not going that way.” Some say, “History repeats itself.” I say the truth is somewhere in the middle, actually. Today, I am sharing some thoughts about what my favorite ensembles have taught me […]


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Honey good sitting on yoga mat donning pink boxing gloves fighting for positive aging and body positivity

5 Fabulous Ways to Boost Your Body Confidence After 50!

Today’s story (with incredible tips!) on body confidence after 50 was contributed by Astrid Longhurst, a world-class body confidence coach, fitness expert, author, and age empowerment coach. She has provided expert advice, articles and comment for Cosmopolitan, Glamour, Good Housekeeping, and many more. This story motivated me to be kinder to myself and take action! […]


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Many women over 50 do. I have found, the key to feeling relevant, important, and VISIBLE lies within you. I hope my free eBook will help you rediscover your purpose, and see the value that I so clearly see in you. 

as a woman, do you feel invisible?