
Mother's Day after losing your mom Honey Good

Grief Has No Time Limit: Remembering My Mother

Since my mom passed away three months ago, I have been trying to encapsulate my feelings. Darlings, there are so many topics I want to talk about, things I want to share, but I am dealing with grief for my mother – and that has unfocused my concentration. I know many of you have experienced […]


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Turning Grey Young – My Experience of Empowerment

I’m excited to feature Ashely Rossato’s story of turning grey young and how it led to personal empowerment for her. Read on below! You can follow along on her grey journey on Instagram here.   Let’s start at the beginning of my hair journey! I was born with a head full of black hair, it […]


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Honey’s Morning Skincare Routine

Darlings, getting up and getting myself ready for the day each morning is something I love to do. It puts a smile on my face, a pep in my step, and gives me a bit of electric energy to set my day off in the right direction. If you make your mind up each morning […]


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going grey, grey hair after 50

Why I’ve Embraced Grey Hair & How You Can Too!

Darlings, If you’ve struggled with whether to keep dyeing or to go grey once and for all – I hope my story can help you. To tell you the truth, I embraced my grey hair ‘doin what came naturally’! I’ve always been an empowered and enlightened woman who dances to her own drum and likes […]


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Home Décor Based on Your Moon Sign

Home Décor Based on Your Moon Sign

Astrology writer Narayana Montúfar wrote today’s post on home décor based on your moon sign! Enjoy, darlings! Whether we notice it or not, our five senses get immediately activated when we first walk into a room. As they perform an overall vibe-check, we sink into the overall feelings and sensations provided by the colors, textures, […]

Passages After 50, Style

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Many women over 50 do. I have found, the key to feeling relevant, important, and VISIBLE lies within you. I hope my free eBook will help you rediscover your purpose, and see the value that I so clearly see in you. 

as a woman, do you feel invisible?