Chances are that you are doing all you can to maintain youthful-looking skin. You may be diligent about wearing sunscreen, using an anti-aging product, and applying moisturizer. However, there are a few mistakes you may be making that are aging your skin and causing extra wrinkles. Dr. Kally Papantoniou a board-certified New York Dermatologist who […]
The Best of Blush and Mascara for Spring 2021 To continue the theme of my favorite spring makeup products, I couldn’t forget blush and mascara now, could I? These two makeup products can change the look of one’s face completely. In fact, did you know where you apply your blush gives your face a rounder […]
Readers, I wanted to bring you the best spring eyeshadow palettes of 2021 all in one place! So, I went to Sephora and looked through many of the eyeshadow palettes and chose several for you that I think you may enjoy. Eyeshadow is an important component of any person’s makeup look! Not only does it […]
When your hair has finally started to lose its natural color, you are faced with a choice. You can either embrace the new look and join fellow #SilverSisters or start coloring your hair. Both of these options come with their distinctive pros and cons. If you decide to keep your hair as it is, you […]
Let’s learn how to transistion your skincare routine from winter to spring! It’s that time of the year again when everything comes back to life after resting for several months – it’s spring again. You can finally swap your heavy (but warm) boots for sneakers, a winter coat for a jean jacket or a light […]