
The Best Makeup Brushes for Women Over 50

For every woman over 50 who is still applying makeup with her fingers or bemoaning the curse of bad brushes that shed and streak, I’ve rounded up the top tools of the trade; the best makeup brushes for older women that are essential to a perfect look. These should be part of our beauty routine. How to […]


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How to Protect Your Aging Skin in the Winter

How to Protect Your Aging Skin in the Winter As women over 50, we already have to take extra care of our hair and skin. But, winter conditions can make it even more of a struggle to maintain healthy hair and skin. The weather turns cold and dry and makes it a challenge to retain […]


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fasionable woman with gray hair smiling with her dog

How to Have Happiness and a Plan in 2021

How to Have Happiness and a Plan in Elsewhere I walked into the kitchen, turned on the television, and as I was making coffee, I heard the following report. “A poll released by Gallop stated that men and women’s happiness level has dropped over ten points in 2020.” This was followed by a doctor’s report […]


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Sharing is Caring – December Fashion, Accessories & Daydreams!

Having spent the past twenty years of winter in sunny California, this winter season presents a new adventure for my Ultimate Concierge, America, and myself. Winter in my once upon a time beautiful Chicago, otherwise known as Elsewhere, will be different. The first ‘to do’ on my winter shopping list was to purchase a warm […]


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Winter Sunglass Styles That Will Help You Feel & Look Younger

Just because summer is gone, doesn’t mean we don’t need to wear sunglasses! Winter sun can still be harsh and we need to protect our precious eyes! Today on the blog we have the wonderful Sophie Armstrong. With a passion for sunglasses, she takes us through some great looks and teaches us how to pick […]


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Many women over 50 do. I have found, the key to feeling relevant, important, and VISIBLE lies within you. I hope my free eBook will help you rediscover your purpose, and see the value that I so clearly see in you. 

as a woman, do you feel invisible?