Happy Saturday! I can’t believe it’s already so late in November, can you? Soon we will be decorating for Christmas–maybe you have already! We all need more Holiday cheer this year I think. This week I learned a lot of valuable lessons, and I didn’t even leave my house. Now, you might be thinking, “Honey, […]
My darling, I hope you are ready for another beauty post! With fall here, before you know it winter will be too. One problem that I see women talk a lot of is red or irritated skin. Oftentimes changes in weather—such as wind or dry air—can contribute to this or you might suffer from rosacea, […]
My darlings, today’s article is written by the lovely Andrea Pflaumer. An author and fashion guru, Andrea is here to share all about fall and winter fashion accessories. Enjoy! Buy Little But Buy The Best Wise French women, who often dwell in homes with small closets and therefore spend carefully, know a great secret about […]
What Should I Wear? Let’s talk about fashion! I thought it would be fun to share my beauty routine and fashion to avoid after 50 with you this Sunday morning. A while back I attended a charity luncheon with over one hundred women. I was one of the co-chairs and was required to give a […]
Let’s learn about how to incorporate oil into your skincare routine! Oil has gotten a bad rap when it comes to beauty. Women don’t aspire to have oily hair and skin. And, oily skin gets blamed for blemishes such as acne. Even suntan oil has lost popularity, bringing to mind leather-skinned ladies who value skin […]