The Law of Attraction I wonder how many of you know what the Law of Attraction means. I did not know until a few days ago. A Positive Psychologist, Barbara Becker Holstein is a contributor to Honey Good. Though we have never met we have become more than mere acquaintances. We don’t speak or email […]
Professional makeup artist Elise Marquam-Jahns shares beauty tips to help women over 50+ feel more vibrant and beautiful. Today she shares her most recent YouTube video explaining 6 little known makeup products that you may want to add to your beauty routine. Enjoy, Darlings! 6 Little Known But Fantastic Makeup Products for Women 50+ […]
Reinventing Yourself in The New Year This past New Year’s Eve my 26-year-old daughter (who is, in truth, a wise “old soul”) said something that truly hit home with me. Though she felt resolutions weren’t productive for her and most people, she maintained that the concept of a “new year” really did provide a helpful […]
My darlings, today’s article is written by the lovely Andrea Pflaumer. An author and fashion guru, Andrea is here to share all about how to reinvent your look with the fashion trends of 2020. Enjoy! Reinventing Your Style In 2020 If you’re looking for fresh fashion inspiration for your reinvention this year it’s going to be a […]
It’s never too late to try a new shade of lipstick, Darlings! January’s theme is reinvention, so re-invent we shall! With a new decade upon us, now is the time to try new things, including new make-up colors, brands and routines. Now, let’s delve into lip color, specifically lip color after 50. I’ve written many […]