Hello, March! March is the month of the Oscars, Spring Break, Day Light Savings Time, Saint Patrick’s Day, Easter and the first day of Spring is even on March 20th. March is a time of awakening and rebirth, and there is always that feeling of lightheartedness as the flowers begin to bloom and the tree […]
Honestly, darlings, the blues encompass a wide range of emotions from the depths of despair to the pain of Monday mornings. The word is a combination of sadness, melancholy, gloom and even despair. Obviously, there are a variety of reasons we experience the blues, depending on the circumstance. We can be divinely happy one minute–then […]
I have a confession: 10 years ago, I was lost. Bored with my routine and unsure of my purpose, I stumbled upon a piece of advice that would change my life. A talented writer, sensing my aimlessness, offered a simple suggestion: “Keep a journal for three months, and you will find your voice.” Why […]
My darling, something that I have been seeing and experiencing lately is the idea of loneliness. What is it, and what does it mean for people, especially women over 50? Loneliness is not just about being alone. One can feel alone while married or even when surrounded by a group of people. You can feel […]
In a previous article, I shared my private thoughts and wrote about the reason for my stay at the lovely Golden Door Spa in Southern California. But I didn’t share my experience connecting with a sacred labyrinth and the clarity it brought me. After musing about my unease and stress, I am amazed how many […]