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As a woman who has lived through many passages and learned through my larger than life experiences (positive and negative), I’ve discovered how to take a big empowering bite out of life.

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What to consider when thinking about plastic surgery

Short of plastic surgery, darlings, there is not much a woman can do about her aging neck. Trust me, I have done my research. I must admit, my once swan-like neck has gone south and dare I say, yours has probably joined mine. So what can we do? And what do we need to think through when considering plastic surgery?

I asked a girlfriend who l had not seen in quite awhile if she had work done because she had the neck of a 40 year old. She said she had and gave me the name of her plastic surgeon.

Visiting a plastic surgeon

I made an appointment and took my husband along to visit the “best plastic surgeon” of the hour in Beverly Hills. After looking me over from the neck up, he asked what was bothering me.

“I can’t stand my neck,” I proclaimed with a sigh.

He said, “You can have a beautiful swanlike neck once again.” He then gave me a mirror, walked behind my chair and very gently put his hands on my neck, pulling the skin back ever so slightly.

Instantly, my neck looked 20 years younger and I felt 20 years younger, too.

I then asked, “Can you give me a youthful neck without doing my face?” I have a small face and did not want a facelift.

“It is impossible to do a neck lift without a facelift,” he replied. After explaining in detail why, I realized he was not lying.

As the doctor continued speaking, I had a flashback to a scene that took place in the lobby of our condo. My mother and three girlfriends were lined up on a bench conversing and I remember thinking to myself, “My mother’s face looks so soft and beautiful.” Dear readers, she had opted out of the facelift scene. While her girlfriends, each of whom had multiple facelifts, resembled old Barbie Dolls and their hands did not match their faces.

I so badly wanted a beautiful new neck, but not at the expense of having a face that did not match my hands, arms and legs.

On the drive back to Rancho Mirage, my husband and I had a conversation about whether or not I should go through with the procedure.

“I can’t have it all,” I said trying to find justification for avoiding plastic surgery.

Tongue in cheek I continued…

1. “I can squint when I pass a mirror.”

2. “I can put makeup on my face, concealer under my eyes and shoot Collagen, Botox and Restylane into my wrinkles to look lifted and rested from the chin up.”

3. “I can save you a ton of money.”

4. “I will not have to worry about the outcome, wondering if my neck is too tight or my face too pulled.”

5. “I would rather you buy me a wide neck choker for my birthday, Valentine’s Day and our anniversary then go under the knife for a major operation.”

6. “I can wear turtlenecks, scarves and mandarin collars.”

After listening to myself out loud, I decided I would prefer to live with my neck. After all, the only time it bothers me is when I look in a mirror.

We have lifestyle options, or as I like to call them, feminine maintenance:

  • Invest in the finest neck crème.
  • Apply the finest moisturizer.
  • Apply a daily sunblock.
  • Stay hydrated.
  • Exercise your neck muscles.
  • Eat healthy.

Dear readers, I have placed a “new neck” on the back burner. Why? Because I am happy with my lifestyle. I prefer to look my age because I am vibrant, visible and me.

Remember my philosophy: 80% of a woman’s beauty is her mystique, her mystery, her magic and her charisma. It is her inner beauty, not her neck, that makes her special to those around her and more importantly… to herself. So remember to be thoughtful when considering plastic surgery.

Honey Good's signature

February 17, 2017


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  1. Nancy says:

    Honey .
    What a wonderful beautiful honest blog .
    I know it’s ones choice how they deal with wrinkles .’
    But I love the fact that it’s okay to just be who we are .
    Letting our inner beauty shine through and to be okay with where we are in life .
    Thank you

    • Honey Good says:

      Thank you for reading my stories. Makes me very happy. Beauty is truly not on the surface. It is our warmth, our smile, our caring for others that makes us happy and those around us happy. Warmly, Honey

  2. Fawn says:

    Thank you for sharing.
    I enjoy your articles.
    You are vibrant and beautiful.

  3. Terry says:

    Have you looked into Kybella for your neck? I have an appointment with my dermatologist to discuss this procedure. Sounds very promising but not invasive like a face/neck lift.

  4. Terry G says:

    I get so many emails that I ignore because if disinterest. However, I never ignore yours because I know it will make me feel good, laugh, inspire me and teach me a thing or two!!! I adore you, Honey!

    • Honey Good says:

      Oh! Thank you Terry. Makes me very happy to hear. and I am so glad you are part of the community of women. We need each other. Warmly, Honey

  5. Linda Smith says:

    Thank you, thank you, thank you for this post. I agree, I would rather look my age and have all my body parts be in agreement. On another note, I love your hair! I stopped coloring mine in September of 2016 and after I hit the 6 week mark I stopped freaking out. I do plan on finding a hairdresser with the skill to blend some highlights into my dyed hair to speed up the process. Once the weather warms up a bit more I will be cutting it shorter.

    • Honey Good says:

      Go idea about trimming your hair at the bottom to speed up the process. And the highlights too. Thank you for sharing your thoughts. Warmly, Honey

  6. Teri Brender says:

    Dear Honey Good,

    Oh my goodness I love you are opting out of scary plastic surgery . Excellent choice. There are a few new products available for the neck & hands which in fact do wonders. Kybella is an injectable which some how reduces under neck rolls and Radiesse can be injected into hands to eliminate veins and the unwanted older lady hands not matching her face look – Anna Wintour …?

    • Honey Good says:

      Thank you for the info. I knew about the hand product but did not know about the neck. I will research. Warmly, Honey

  7. Tina in California says:

    I think you made a wise decision after doing your due diligence! In my humble opinion, you are beautiful just as you are! ❤

  8. susette says:

    Thank you, Honey! I decided a long time ago that plastic surgery was not for me. I count my blessings every day!

  9. Executive lady says:

    I had a facelift and loved it
    I wish others would come out
    And be open about their beauty secrets.
    It doesn’t help others to keep saying
    I haven’t had any work ????

    • Honey Good says:

      Honesty is the best policy.Sharing information on beauty tips is the best! I am so glad you are happy with your facelift. Warmly, Honey

  10. HI Honey,

    Love your candidness!
    Have you tried Rodan+Fields MicroDermabrasion ROLLER? It really helps the neck line and wrinkles.
    For more information visit https://dsneddon.myrandf.com/Shop/Product/AAAPS01
    Discount pricing for you!

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