I'm Honey!

As a woman who has lived through many passages and learned through my larger than life experiences (positive and negative), I’ve discovered how to take a big empowering bite out of life.

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How a grandmother and grandson are ‘bridging the gap’

My grandson Robbie and I were asked to write on “bridging the gap”   between generations and honestly it’s easy for us. We communicate on a regular basis and that keeps us close. I am able to share my lessons with him. Here are our musings on our relationship and how we “bridge the gap” despite the years between us.  

Bridging the gap: Robbie

When I think of my grandmother, Honey, two sayings come to mind:

First, “Always See the Glass Half Full.” Second, “Watch Your Back Side.” These two phrases describe how I see my grandma perfectly.

She has always taught me to look at the world and find the good, find the positive. Even in the hardest of circumstances, there is inherent good as long as you look at the situation through this lens. She has instilled in me that lens and at times when I don’t necessarily see through it, she reminds me to look at the world through it.

The second phrase is “Watch Your Back Side,” which she has said to me countless times ending our phone conversations. Sometimes when she says it, it feels like she is saying “Keep your chin up” or “You’ve got this!” — it makes me feel grown up in a way that isn’t scary or overwhelming. I feel empowered. I feel more in control.

So, my grandma, my Honey, has taught me how to look at the world. She’s taught me that you are in control of the way you look at tough situations and that you should feel empowered enough to prepare yourself for what the world will throw at you. These lessons continue to be extremely valuable to me.

Always see the glass half full.

Bridging the gap: Susan “Honey” Good

When my first grandson, Robbie was born, I recall thinking, “The greatest gifts I can leave this grandchild of mine is what I leave him in his head.” The first important gift, many followed, took place when he was four. It was time for milk and cookies. I had an idea. I would fill the glass half full and place it between us on the small kitchen table; sit across from him, put my head down to his level and ask him, “Robbie, do you see this glass half full or half empty?” This grandchild of mine, looked at the glass and replied, “Half full, Honey.”
I jumped up! I hugged him to me! I ran into the play room, grabbed a piece of construction paper and four colored magic markers and together we drew four tall glasses, colored them half way up green, red, yellow and blue and at the top of the construction paper, I wrote, Always See the Glass Half Full. Years later I had an artist do a rendering in oils of our art project. The painting hangs in Robbie’s home today.

Robbie is now in his twenties. He wears all of his hats well. He is a producer, a husband, a father, a wonderful son and grandson and a great friend. His lifestyle reassures me my message made a deep impression on him. He knows life is 10% of what happens and 90% how you handle it. He knows the world is his oyster for the taking. Once a month we have our regular lunch date at our favorite little restaurant and share our thoughts. Every week we check in by phone or text. He never forgets my birthday and I always receive a grandmother card on Mother’s Day. I wear a red kabbalah string, a gift from Robbie, around my wrist ‘to guard and protect me.’ I am blessed. I love this grandson, of mine.

October 17, 2017


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  1. Sherrie says:

    I absolutely love this article with Robbie and hope to have strong relationships with my Grands over time.
    Thanks you two for giving me great insight into family connections.

    • Susan "Honey" Good says:

      Thank you, Sherrie. Strong relationships take constant nurturing that we all know is well worth it. I am so glad you like the article. Warmly, Honey

  2. Susan says:

    The most special reading tonight. I loved it and can not wait to go to my grandchildren tomorrow and Ask them how they see their glass half full or half empty

  3. Emily Markiewicz says:

    So great to see Robbie has learned so much from you, Susan. I remember him as a small child and how you and Shelly remarked on his remarkableness. Seeing him a few years ago as an adult was so special and real. Reading this story is extremely inspiring and shows what a wonderful attitude you have imparted to him. You Go Girl…

  4. Susan, another grandmother says:

    I loved this, and he, and all the others have been blessed with your wisdom! In our family the saying was, ” Keep your nose clean”, silly as it sounded then, it has been handed down and means so much, all these years later in our family!

  5. Christine Crosby says:

    Well done! This IS what grandparents can do for their grandchildren and you both spelled it out beautifully.

  6. Dobby says:

    I read this last night and went to bed thinking about it!! What a special relationship you have and a handsome Grandson. Wonderful advice.

  7. Bonnie says:

    Thank you for this article Honey. I too have a special relationship with my grandson who is now 31 years old. He and his single mom lived with me the first two years of his life. I really believe that much can be formed in a child in those first two years. When he was about four, he said “Tutu, do you love me?” I said “Yes, I will love you always and forever”. That is our special phrase now “always and forever”. He went through many rough times growing up, but he is loving, caring and very devoted to family.

  8. Daphne says:

    Good Afternoon Honey, How wonderful that your grandson, Robbie sees the world with such a positive attitude. Your relationship with your grandson Robbie is wonderful and I can see that you are very proud of him. It is so lovely to read that each month you meet in your favourite restaurant to catch up with each other.
    I am a positive person, and both of my daughters see life as a ‘glass half full’ rather than a ‘glass half empty’…. it is a much better way to view life.
    Thank you so much for sharing your relationship with Robbie, It was a joy to read.
    With warmest wishes

  9. Susan says:

    Your article warmed my heart. I have one eight year old grandson with ADHD. He has many challenges but I try to remain a constant positive in his life. I always say I Love You No Matter What. He melts into my arms with a big hug. I hope he always remembers.
    Thank You to you and your grandson for showing us what can be.

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