I'm Honey!

As a woman who has lived through many passages and learned through my larger than life experiences (positive and negative), I’ve discovered how to take a big empowering bite out of life.

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Why women over 50 should embrace simplicity

There is a little poem gives me immeasurable pleasure and I have read and reread it several times; each and every time, I feel my body de-stress and unwind. And it reminds me that I am embracing simplicity after 50.

The poem

“Tis a gift to be simple, Tis a gift to be free. ‘Tis a gift to come down where we ought to be. And when we find ourselves In the place that’s right, twill be in a valley of love and delight.”  19th Century Shaker Hymn

 Embracing simplicity after 50

And yet I know that in my world and your world it is impossible to live a  life of total simplicity. Nevertheless, this poem empowered me to think about changes I wanted to make in my life. And I have done just that, darlings. I used discipline to struggle with my feelings. I questioned myself. I changed old habits and chartered new waters. I deleted what was what not fulfilling me. I learned to say “no” to others and “yes” to myself.

I now tend my little garden that I planted in California. I play beautiful French music in my car and in my home. I shop at garden shops for wind chimes to hang around. I spend a lot of alone time with my husband. I take Orchid on daily walks and I walk on my treadmill every day. I attempt to and blend simplicity with the complications that  I cannot avoid.

My thoughts on embracing simplicity…

Clarity: By our age we know who we are and what is important! Take some quiet time to explore your inner self and what works for you.

Declutter: Our home and our workplace should be our haven from the outside world, darlings. My little studio was not a haven! Papers! I solved this problem by learning to file my papers in folders on my Apple. I embraced simplicity with placing a limited number of cherished possessions on my desk that brought me joy. My favorite book: Gift From the Sea, my favorite paperweight in the peaceful color of blue; my favorite picture of my husband, Shelly, my favorite flower, an Orchid and four gifts from girlfriends, my favorite a lavender colored crystal angel. Take stock of what you need to de-clutter.

Relationships: I stepped back from unimportant social relationships and now devote extra time to important relationships and new people who interest me.

Health: Darlings, by pursuing a simpler life you will become healthier. Less truly is more.

Gift Yourself: Take time to smell the flowers.  It is really not hard if you resolve yourself to just do it, darlings!  You will have more time to enjoy what you love; your husband, your family, grandchildren, travel, your girlfriends, your hobbies and alone time.

A Journal: I strongly suggest you keep a journal of your thoughts for one month. It is a great discipline. At the end of the month reread your writings. You probably will live into the answer of how your personally should embrace simplicity.

In our fast paced world, where we have become the victims of a modern day epidemic that more, more and more is the answer to happiness, I want to leave you with a few words of wisdom.

I have found that living with less and less baggage has given me more freedom, more time and more joy to appreciate what is important to me.

In a one sentence I can sum up this blog…

Replace the word “more” with the word “less” so that you can embrace a happier you. 

Have you mastered embracing a simple life? Or are you, like I was, struggling to declutter your life? I’d love to know you are embracing simplicity after 50. Let’s connect!  You can comment below or connect with me on FacebookTwitter and even Instagram. Let’s chat!


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January 22, 2016

Passages After 50, Relationships

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  1. This is exactly what I’m about to do these days – de-clutter and clear my things, my thoughts, my everything… So I love your posting, thanks!

  2. Honey Good says:

    Thank you! I am so glad you love my posting. Thank you.

  3. David Low says:

    Hello Honey! Great blog about simplicity… I used to teach religious studies courses at universities here in Philadelphia; in connection with understanding mystics’ lifestyles, I would always tell my students how technological advances, especially in transportation and communication, amount to a kind of Frankenstein complex writ large. For example, we used to bump along in horse-and-buggys; we were forced just to "be with" the local environment as it slowly went by. Relaxation can take discipline… but in that situation, it was involuntary! when roads and cars came along, did we intentionally take the time to keep relaxing? No. Or cell phones: being able to talk to anybody anytime, to say nothing or "talking to yourself" on bluetooths in public compels the person to keep up with a crazy level of obligations and expectations which they unwittingly create. Not even to mention the lack of (sometimes difficult!) emotional presence in email and text communication. And for practically all young people, complete privacy doesn’t exist any more. Merely having their cell phone off tell their friends that something’s going on with them. Keep putting out those insights!!
    David Low

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