I'm Honey!

As a woman who has lived through many passages and learned through my larger than life experiences (positive and negative), I’ve discovered how to take a big empowering bite out of life.

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It’s Time To Flaunt Your Visibility After 50!

You, darlings, have written many comments to me on my many posts about feeling invisible after 50. Many of you feel invisible because of your age. Please don’t! Get that feeling out of your pretty head!

I have never in my life thought of myself as invisible. The reason is simple, I am now, more than ever, a woman with interests and adventures awaiting me. While I still feel confident about how I look, I have something much more important than vanity: pride in who I am.

Why Invisible?

I began to think of the word invisible, a few years ago, when the word invisible was brought up by a group of my girlfriends in a small focus group. I believe my friends are all college graduates and I know for a fact that a few have their Master’s degrees, were career women, and pillars of charitable organizations in their respective communities. They are well-liked with great personalities. They raised lovely children and married great men.

I think they should be basking in the glow of their accomplishments rather than feeling invisible. They don’t need a Valium! They need an attitude adjustment.

The more they talked on the subject of invisibility, the more depressed I became because it occurred to me that I could not relate! I really abhor the narrative.

I asked myself, “Why don’t I feel invisible?” It goes far beyond my appearance. My attitude, which is positive, affects my self-concept and my actions, darlings. That is the power that makes me a very visible older woman.

Stop Feeling Invisible Now

You must shrug off society’s image of the older woman and refuse to listen to the messaging that we have passed our prime. We have not, darlings! We are at the heights! Why? Because, darlings, finally, through aging, we know exactly what we like and exactly who we are. Maturity gives us the opportunity to create a second brilliant act! In other words, you should flourish after 50.

I remember several years ago I felt hollow inside. I was doing many things that lacked excitement. I was losing my enthusiasm. I was bored. I realized it. I discussed my feelings with my husband.

And then I did what I call ‘my about face.’ I took myself out of my comfort zone. I kept a journal for three months putting my thoughts on paper in order to find my voice. I realized I loved writing and had earned, through my life’s experiences, my Ph.D. in life.

My mind was full of ideas. I wanted to connect with women over 50 and share my life stories that I knew were their life stories, too.

I took my vision and made it reality: HoneyGood.com was born. My stories reach women over 5o all over the world and across the United States.

Embrace Your Visibility

Women over 50 all over the world are doing amazing things. So shall you! This is an exciting stage of your lives. You are energetic, smart and beautiful and I am committed to cheering you on so you are able to realize your visibility.

Get your second act together, darlings! Remember, it is all about your attitude and getting out of your boring comfort zone. You won’t feel like twenty again. You will feel like 50+ and totally visible.

Do something GOOD today: Strike out on a new adventure.

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February 24, 2019


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  1. patti says:

    This post totally spoke to me….. although I will be searching out ; “Sassy Seventy (70) Sexy women.. “Sharing life stories that I know are their life stories too”

  2. Terri Ward says:

    As an almost-52 year old woman who’s been feeling bored and invisible since I turned 50, I am grateful for this article! Thank you!

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