I'm Honey!

As a woman who has lived through many passages and learned through my larger than life experiences (positive and negative), I’ve discovered how to take a big empowering bite out of life.

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Gratitude, The Key To A Happy Life

Grateful Women Over 50

It is very early morning. My ultimate concierge is lying next to me fast asleep; Orchid is on my other side staring at me with her big black eyes, the stillness of the early morning is all around me, and I count my blessings. I am wondering what to muse about for my Sunday Story. The hardest part of writing a story is deciding on a topic. I am so grateful when a word triggers a memory and my fingers hit my keyboard. It is another blessing.

A True Story About Gratitude

One minute ago, darlings, I had no ideas for my Sunday Story. That is until I typed the words, blessing and grateful. Suddenly I was struck with a memory of a Sunday brunch at a friend’s home in Palm Springs, California.
It was a beautiful Sunday morning as we rang the doorbell and popped into our friend’s home for a late brunch. George was sitting in his office in front of his computer, Skyping with a woman in South Africa. He wrote children’s books, and she was his editor. He looked up and asked me if I wanted to meet her. Of course, I wanted to meet her!” I said. Before long the editor and I were having the most interesting conversation. At that time, two years ago, I had written over 800 stories. My ultimate concierge wanted me to sort through my stories for a book, but I did not have the time or the patience. I needed an editor to go through my portfolio of musings and come up with a plan.

Grateful for a chance meeting

We got along famously during the call, this young editor and the woman, well over 50. We shared a love of nature and books and dogs. I asked her if she would like to be the editor for my musings. Luckily, she jumped at the chance! She said she would get back to me in about three weeks. Another unexpected blessing.” I smiled and was grateful at this stroke of luck.
Three weeks went by quickly before an email arrived. It was from my new young friend asking to get together with me over Skype. We set up a time, and this was our conversation.
We greeted each other and talked small talk.’ The conversation turned to my 800 stories.
“I went through your stories and began to notice how grateful you are. You definitely count your blessings. The word gratitude is woven throughout your stories, so I made a list of all of your personal quotes on the topic.
Darlings, I was shocked. Of course, I knew I was grateful. It is what makes me happy and optimistic. And it is a blessing because it feels so good to be thankful. But I had no idea I had written so many personal quotes on gratitude. When I saw them all typed out I was astonished and very happy. They are sitting in a file to use one day in the future.

A Grandmother’s Role with her Grands

Some of our grandchildren don’t know how to count their blessings. They are not as grateful as they could be; they are not aware of their blessings, despite many of their blessing being right in front of them. They are unappreciative and ungrateful and therefore do not have the ability to count their blessings or feel gratitude. If you also notice this with your grands, you can step in and help them. As their devoted grandmother you might want to step up to the plate and, in your loving and unthreatening manner, show them the importance of appreciation and giving back.

The Importance of Knowing You Are Grateful Person

I remember my mother and grandmothers taught me at a very early age to count my blessings for everything, large and small. When I was six years old my mother bought me my first box of stationary because I had learned to print. It was a box of thank you notes. I remember I wrote, Thank you for giving me a doll. I love her. Love, Susan.” My mother was teaching me how it felt to be grateful and appreciative. One of her many gifts to me was teaching me the importance of gratitude. It was a blessing because I believe that is one of the reasons I am an optimistic woman. I am grateful for everything. I count my blessings. It is my constant mindset, my established set of attitudes. I see a silver lining in all things, and I take the time to smell the flowers. When I am faced with a dilemma, I say to myself, tomorrow will be better or I will figure this out.” It is all about one’s mindset, darlings, and it is about observing and appreciating the little blessings that occur each day.
You can instill the importance of gratitude in your own grandchildren. You can buy that little box of stationary or order a book on gratitude or tell them your personal stories on why you are grateful and why you count your blessings.

Another Story About Gratitude

Here is another true story. I would tell this story to my older grands. It is a lesson on gratitude and blessings. It shows the optimistic feeling that takes over when you are able to feel grateful, appreciative and count your blessings.
I was beside myself over a problem with my iPhone. I could not retrieve my virtual phone messages, so I texted my computer guru. My first feeling of gratitude occurred when he texted me right back. I did not take his call for granted, instead I thought to myself, I am so grateful that he was available.” He had an answer for me. He told me the number to call. I thanked him over and over. I called, and an actual person, not a recording, came on the line. Again, I thought… what a blessing. Her name was Hannah. She was talking to me from the Philippines! We were on the phone for over forty minutes trying to fix my virtual messaging. Her voice remained calm and friendly. I told her, You are a blessing.” Hannah thanked me for my kind words before giving me the appropriate commands. Sometimes I did not understand, so I was especially grateful for her patience. I sat in my home in the USA and she sat in her office in the Philippines. We were two women who felt and understood the meaning of gratitude and counted their blessings. My phone was repaired and her sanity was intact. I was considerate and she was kind. When we parted and said our good-byes, I said, Goodbye from America.” And she answered, Goodbye from the Philippines.”


  1. Gratitude is being thankful.
  2. Gratitude makes the giver and the receiver happy.
  3. Grateful people are happy people.
  4. Reasons to be grateful? Everything!
  5. Everything is sweeter with gratitude.
Speaking for myself, I find things in my life to be grateful for everywhere I look. I do not think a person is born grateful. I believe gratitude is a choice. It is an attitude. I believe that if you are a truly grateful person, you own gratitude and owning gratitude gives you joy in everything. You can’t leave home without it. You can’t live without it. It is a keeper and a treasure and a true blessing.
Are you a grateful person? Are your grands? When we ask ourselves questions, we live into our answers.
Honey Good Signature

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March 18, 2018

Passages After 50, Relationships

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  1. Donna says:

    I love this article. Gratitude is what keeps me going at almost 70 years old. I am gratefuil to still be here, grateful I can choose to continue working or be retired. I am grateful for my family, my friends, my pets. I am grateful I have the ability to speak up for myself,, something I have learned as I have gotten older. I am grateful for life and for the joy I find in being older. I hope I have a lot of years to be older. Thank you for your insights about being 50+.

    • Susan "Honey" Good says:

      I feel as you do. Aren’t we lucky! You will have a lot more years because grateful people are happy people. Thank you for reading my musings. Warmly, Honey

    • Susan "Honey" Good says:

      I am grateful you are one of my darlings! Warmly, Honey

  2. Anne says:

    Such an awesome story, Honey! I began the journey of gratitude with our granddaughters by helping them to remember to say “thank you” at a very young age. Those two words are music to my ears whether it’s the simplest of gestures or the best ice cream cone ever! Blessings!

    • Susan "Honey" Good says:

      Blessings back to you, Anne. Your grands are lucky to have you as their grandma. Teaching them to be grateful will be a blessing to them during their lives. Warmly, Honey

    • Susan "Honey" Good says:

      The best! Saying thank you is showing gratitude, so they are learning. Perfect!! Warmly, Honey

  3. Janice says:

    After reading your gratitude topics, I am so moved! I had grown up feeling so unloved, that I began to feel something was very wrong with me. At the age of about 40, when my spouse and I separated I descovered the “attitude of gratitude”, My life totally changed for the better after that. I had read “Tough Times Never Last, But Tough People Do”. By Robert Schuller. If you haven’t read this book , it is a life changer. Thank you for reminding us all how important gratitude is! It is refreshing to hear another women say this! You are indeed special, and I enjoy your posts! Ty

    • Susan "Honey" Good says:

      I am so glad you are content. I will order the book. Thank you. Gratitude is just the ‘end all.’ Warmly, Honey

    • Susan "Honey" Good says:

      Thank you so much, Janice. And, thank you for sharing the title of the book and author with all of us. Warmly, Honey

  4. Akaisha says:

    Another story hit right out of the park! An attitude of gratitude makes one’s life Joy-Full!
    Thanks, Honey…

  5. Susan says:

    Dear Honey,

    The beautiful thing about your gratitude and blessings is how you are able to fill another’s cup .
    You have filled mine today so I can go forward and pass on those blessings and gratitude to others. My grandchildren especially.
    Thank You!

    • Susan "Honey" Good says:

      That is the best part, to fill another’s cup makes you and yours happy. This quality is so important and all of our grandchildren should feel grateful. I am so glad I filled yours. I am as happy as you are. Warmly, Honey

    • Susan "Honey" Good says:

      Thank you, so much. Teach this to your grands. You will fill your cup again! Warmly, Honey

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