I'm Honey!

As a woman who has lived through many passages and learned through my larger than life experiences (positive and negative), I’ve discovered how to take a big empowering bite out of life.

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My Writing Process: A Day in the Life of a Writer

Honey Good writing at her desk

Every piece of my day has the potential to be a great story!

It’s about time I give you a peek at my writing process!

My girlfriends often ask, “How do you manage to find the time to write and have a vibrant family and social life?”

They ask me because they know I have a non-stop lifestyle. The first thought that goes through my mind is “I don’t know.”

But what I do know is this: Everything I do can be turned into a story.

Therefore, “A day in the life of a writer” is an explainer to you my dear readers. My writing process is a blend of everything I do, hear, and see, that I can turn into a story. The fact is, my Life is my writing process.

Darling, you are a busy bee, too! I know you would answer your girlfriends’ question of how you fit something into your life the same way I initially do: “I don’t know.”

Writing takes me an inordinate amount of time and with the razzle dazzle of my lifestyle, it takes a lot of self-discipline.

Need a boost to start your writing process? Consider ordering my book, Stories for My Grandchild

Honey's Book, Stories for My Grandchild

My Writing Process

My day, like yours, is filled with conversations, images, thoughts, reactions, and impressions. The difference between what you do and I do: I record my thoughts.

I carry a notepad to jot down my impressions; then I am able to develop themes from my notes. While I am razzling and dazzling, darlings, I am all ears and eyes for my next story.  I am a female Detective Clouseau

The Tools Matter

In my writing process, I savor having great tools. Especially a perfectly sized notepad to collect my stories as they unfold. One of my favorite notepads has a hand painted French scene of the Eiffel Tower and a French woman carrying a bouquet of lovely flowers. To add a touch of glam the pad has tiny rhinestones scattered here, there and everywhere. The notepad, a gift from my daughter Jenny, could become a story.

You see, darlings, a writer is keenly aware that almost everything that happens during the course of her day could find its place on a blank sheet of paper. While I am out ‘razzling and dazzling,’ my mind is churning with emotions and thoughts that I record in my little notebook. Having a notepad that I love helps me feel excited to use it!

I Skip Multi-Tasking in My Writing Process

I always work on one story at a time until it is finished. This is part of my discipline. If I worked on more than one story at a time I would be nervous; my goal is to be joyful, contemplative and calm.

Where do I write? Everywhere! I can’t afford to wait for ideal conditions because of my lifestyle. If I waited to find ideal conditions, I would miss putting as many words as I do down on paper. And so, I write in every room of our home, in airports, in hotels, in bed, on airplanes, in taxi cabs, and all over the world.

But I must, and I do, have a routine. I wake around 4 a.m. Why? Because I have a thousand thoughts in my head. I ponder, and I write for three hours. Each night, after the lights go off, I reply to all the comments you leave on Instagram, Facebook, and my website. It is peaceful, and connecting with other women is my favorite part of my profession.

What do I need when I write, aside from my computer? My Roger’s Thesaurus, my dictionary, a clear head, mental discipline, and a great desire to actually write!

The Hardest Part of My Writing Process

Writing consistent content is difficult because you have to develop different themes. It is hard, darlings. The hardest part for me is the theme, not the story. That is why I record everything in my little notebook. A scene, several emotions, the interactions between people, the visuals, etc.

How a Story is Conceived

Let me rewind to a past morning that made for a great writing day. On the day I’ll share with you, I experienced a range of emotions. I felt sad, overwhelmed, fierce, enlightened, and surprised. Simultaneously, I felt boundless love and experienced melancholy sadness.  Above all, I felt grateful. All my emotions were due to conversations and observations. Darlings, where there is a lot of emotion, there are endless opportunities for great writing!

My day started at 4 a.m. I wrote for three hours. Afterwards, I felt fierce and accomplished. Next up, I had breakfast with my ultimate concierge and then a conference call with my staff. I then raced joyfully to meet a dear friend for lunch.

On the way, a Monk stopped me to talk! After our conversation I felt enlightened, powerful, and grateful.  He gifted me with a few bracelets; I decided to give one to my girlfriend for good luck and the other to my husband. I couldn’t wait to tell my girlfriend of the unexpected and extraordinary happening…or I wondered as I hurried on, “is any happening unexpected?” Maybe a story?

The Story Continues

After a wonderful lunch and shared personal conversation with my girlfriend, I phoned my ultimate concierge. “Where are you?” He told me he was in the park with our pooch, his cigar, his book, and two women! I felt happy. I told him I was headed his way after I stopped at Claire’s to have my ear pierced, again.  That in itself was a real experience. Another story?

As I approached the park, across the street from my home, and I saw my husband with our pooch and felt boundless love. I took a visual snapshot of the scene to store in my head forever. A definite story. Looking at “man’s best friend” tail wagging a mile a minute when I approached brought tears to my eyes. The women had stopped to talk to my husband about dogs. We were all dog lovers and friends and I was grateful for the conversation. Another story?

The day preceded into an evening; a new restaurant, Steak 48 with close friends with more conversation and observation. More stories stored in my mind to be jotted down in my charming French designed notepad.

You Can Have This Writing Process, Too!

That is only one day in the life of this writer. There are over 300 days in a year to fill blank pages with words. I challenge you to adopt my writing process. Find yourself a lovely little notepad, planner, or journal to keep in your purse and start to pay attention to your thoughts and feelings. Feel wonder at the life and the stories unfolding around you.

Darlings, I love what I do and feel fierce about my profession; I feel powerful with my ability to share thoughts, and I am eternally grateful to have YOU in my community.

Have you ever tried to write down and share your stories? Tell me a tale in the comments!

If you enjoyed hearing about my writing process, I invite you to subscribe to my newsletter. Stories just like this one will come right to your inbox!




December 27, 2023

Passages After 50, Relationships

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  1. Mary Townsend says:

    Hi Honey,
    Have you ever used the LaMer fluid foundation and either the translucent loose powder or the new pressed powder? I hear so many wonderful things about these products but all the reviews I see on youtube are from women in their late 20’s to mid 30’s. I’m 60 and would love a review from someone closer to my age with more mature skin.

    • Susan "Honey" Good says:

      I have tried samples and loved it. I am going to purchase. Hope this helps. I love all Le Mer products. I use their moisturizer.Warmly, Honey

  2. Jackie says:

    Thank you for your daily inspirations! The stories you share, we can relate too. I am a caregiver to my husband. He has multiple sclerosis, diabetes, and is a cancer survivor. We have been married 43 years. Each day I look for kindness……it maybe a smile I can share with someone, a positive saying or story I read, or just being able to share a kindness with another person. Not all days are sunshine but I’m greatful for my health and being able to get up and start each day!

    Thank you for the stories you share!

  3. Deb says:

    I cannot tell you how wonderful and inspiring it is to read your blog everyday. It’s my nighttime ritual and I LOVE IT!!
    We are truly kindred spirits. Thank you for writing what I am thinking many of the times and thank you for teaching me so many new things too.!!!????????❤️❤️

    • Susan "Honey" Good says:

      Oh, you are so welcome. I am overwhelmed and appreciative. Thank you for sharing your thoughts with me. Have a lovely day. Warmly, Honey

  4. Sharon Hasfjord says:

    Simple things keep us busy and happy. Things we love to do. I listen to people say they are retired and doing nothing, golf………and am excited thinking of what new journeys are in store. I ‘retire’ n June at age 66. Time for me to make my own journeys. I have a degree in art and have set that aside for many reasons, none I regret. Simple journeys in the day to day will be my mantra. Simple days filled with wonderful!
    I enjoy Checking in daily and reading your wisdom.

    • Susan "Honey" Good says:

      I love the saying, “Simple days filled with wonderful.” Lucky you with an art degree. Use your talent to your liking. Glad you check in. Warmly, Honey

  5. patti says:

    Your words about “mental discipline” hit home.
    How old does one need to be to FINALLY work on this 🙂 As an engager ~ an engaging person I have lots of conversations that are/could be stories to share by day’s end.
    I have wanted to dabble in blogging for many years now… is 2024 the year? Could it be the year? TY for another morning reading of inspiration !

    • Susan Good says:

      Is 2024 the year? Only you know. If you want to start a new project you have to climb the stairs; not ride an elevator. Discipline darling discipline… desire darling…not age. I am smiling. Warmly,Honey

  6. Sharon Zinn says:

    Honey, would love an update on your “ ultimate concierge’s” health. I know how much you love the Holiday Season, hope it has been wonderful for you and your family. Admire your strength ! Believe we all have this ability when we need. It. Best to you,UC and family in 2024.

    • Susan Good says:

      Thank you for asking. My ultimate concierge was in two hospitals for a total of 59 days! He arrived home last Thursday and will continue his recovery. Of course I was at his side every day; all day. I realized after he came home that sitting in a hospital and worrying robbed me of my spirit. I did not realized how exhausting it was until it ended. I am hopeful and looking forward to a joyful, healthy, and content 2024. I wish you the same.

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