I'm Honey!

As a woman who has lived through many passages and learned through my larger than life experiences (positive and negative), I’ve discovered how to take a big empowering bite out of life.

Oh My, Ponder This:








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How a Year of Problems Led to Joy in the New Year

Today I’m sharing with you action steps you can take to push down your problems and rise up with joy in 2023.


Honey Good holding book

Discover new interests in the new year — reading brings me joy!

Let’s tackle how a woman can exchange her problems for joy in the New Year, 2023. It is my intention that this story will give you hope.

Last week, in my Sunday Story, I told you to climb the stairs, not take the elevator. Because problem-solving takes hard work. My message for this week is to commit and have a support system.

I believe you are on your way because you have mastered the first step, years of wisdom beneath your wings. But do you have the fire in your engine, the commitment to igniting your motor, and a support system? When you have a strong strategy — work, commitment, and support from others — you can solve your problems and find joy in 2023.

Real-Life Tips to Ward Off Loneliness for Women Over 50

Are you aware that loneliness is the major cause of unhappiness in the USA?

Reaching out for support from family and friends when your going gets tough is beneficial, though often not easy. I want you to find joy in 2023 by making it a priority to join a group. Whether it be in your community or an online group. My private FaceBook group is Celebrate Life, and we’ve gathered over 2,000 supportive, wonderful women. We would love for you to be a part of it!

If you prefer another avenue, consider moving to a community of where the requirement is 55 plus. Yet another option may be to move near or live with a friend or family.

Making a commitment is hard. It is an affirmation that you will reach your goal. In 2023 Commit yourself to making two new friendships. There are many, many lonely women besides yourself.

Take Action to Find a New Friend in 2023

When you meet a woman you know is compatible with your ideals, pursue her and don’t give up…commit to bringing her into your life.

But do not expect overnight success. I studied the statistics, and to put them in layman’s terms, these are the facts. To acquire a new acquaintance takes 50 hours of your time, and a friend, 90 hours. Women need women!

We all need companionship so commit to finding one acquaintance and one new friend, male or female in 2023. I think that sounds like a yummy idea. I am smiling!

You have the wing beneath your wings and a strategy to help you solve life’s problems. Climb the stairs — commit and have resolve.
Embrace your support group so you can have newfound joy in 2023.


Honey Good Finds Joy in 2023

In 2023, I vowed to find my way back to joy. Join me!

How 365 Days of Problems Led to Joy in 2023

I can attest that I am a better woman today for my undying commitment to my challenges throughout the year of 2022. Now that I am in the year 2023, I actually feel more powerful than ever, and I am enlightened by my accomplishments. This is how I want you to feel.

I would like to share with you how I faced my struggles in 2022 because I want to help you. Let me begin by telling you that the last 32 years of my life, since marrying my ultimate concierge, have been joyful. Sure, like you I faced my struggles but they did not last 365 days, an entire year!

Looking back on the year 2022, I can tell you it was a physical, emotional, and grueling corker of a year. It took all of my will power to survive intact each day, 365 of them to be exact.

Surviving constant medical emergencies, the constant phone calls for appointments. Waiting for test results, sitting in doctor’s offices, waiting on the line while the music played on and on and on to fill prescriptions.

Distributing medications and filling the pill box each week. Making healthy breakfasts and lunches, working with a trainer to make a good plan for my ultimate concierge and on and on. Thank God my husband was not dying!

Trails Lead to Triumph

It was one emergency after another. Breaking a front tooth on a pomegranate seed!

One year of dental work because another tooth broke next to the original tooth.

Breaking his left wrist, and he is a lefty. Four weeks in a cast and physical therapy.

A detached retina. Eight weeks of recovery.

A new aortic valve that leaked blood causing anemia and more surgery, months or tests, and worry.

Curable skin Cancer that hemorrhaged after surgery in the middle of the night. This caused another 5 hours of surgery, and I cannot remember what else. What got me through? I have to start with love. But love does not conquer all! I climbed the stairs, I committed, and I had a support system.

The Serene Calm After the Storm

I am now smiling on the 11th day of 2023. All is well in the Good home.

We are planning to leave for Florida and New York this Saturday, fingers crossed! We are going to look for a place on the East Coast, spend time with good friends and stay at the Breakers. On to Manhattan and Carnegie Hall and the Michael Jackson show. Is my life really returning to normal after 2022, and life in Elsewhere? I finally see a glimmer of hope on the horizon.

Looking back on 2022, I’m reminded of the saying, “You can take the girl out of the small town, but you cannot take the small town out of the girl.” Growing up in Kankakee By-the-Sea was a blessing in disguise. Many times, often by my own doing, I felt out of my comfort zone.

Those tough times taught me the importance of positive resilience. The power to survive and make things better. Resilience has boded me well my entire life. Thank you, Kankakee by the Sea. Resilience is a powerful tool to have in your arsenal. When you can display indomitable resilience in the face of misfortune, you have the ability to land on your feet.

Trust me, I know.


Honey Good at desk

The best is yet to come, darlings!

My Story

This is my story of 2022 that I hope will open your mind. When put to the test, you can come out on top of your game. I want you to realize that there is nothing within reason that you cannot handle. When you climb the stairs, commit yourself and reach out for support. If I can do it, you can too.

I triumphed because I was determined to find solutions. I had resolve. At times I thought I could take no more, but nevertheless, I did what I had to do. I fought to get the attention needed and bothered doctors to seek answers even when the questions seemed unimportant to them. I pushed them when they faltered with phone call after phone call until I got the correct response. And I even argued with them when I thought they were wrong.

Never once did I let my husband go to a Doctor’s appointment alone. I sat in on all of them. It was exhausting, but I was diligent, darling. Though often discouraged, I was unstoppable in my quest.

There were days of exhaustion, days of worry, and sleepless nights. Days of disappointments, 365 days of frustration and even anger. There was little sunshine even when it shone brightly in the sky. I aged in 2022. I learned in 2022. And I helped my husband survive his ordeals in 2022.

Nothing Good Happens by Accident

Every day and even in my dreams, I worried over the health of the love of my life, my ultimate concierge. And in the mix, there was the death of my mother and other issues. Each roadblock required my resilience. In the back of my mind, I would often recall my husband’s words, “Nothing good happens by accident,” and I carried on with resolve.

How do I feel eleven days in 2023? Reborn but not younger than springtime!!

To My Sweet Readers

From the smallest problem to the largest, you have to climb the stairs. Commit to a plan and use your support group. When you want to learn more about technology, you have to climb the stairs. If you are afraid to travel solo, you have to climb the stairs. If you are lonely and feel invisible, you have to climb the stairs.

When you want acquaintances and friends, you have to climb the stairs; 50 hours to make an acquaintance, 90 hours to make a friendship. You have to work for what you want.

Make use of the tools you learned and earned in 2022. This is your key to a joyful 2023. You can do it. You do have the wind beneath your wings.

My tool is resilience. What is yours?


January 11, 2023


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  1. marlene says:

    thank you for sharing your challenges. It makes me feel like I am not alone.

    • Susan "Honey" Good says:

      We all have our elevators to climb. They are character builders. We need our sisters to share their stories with us. Everyone has situations to tackle. You are definitely not alone.Warmly, Honey

  2. cari says:

    angel wings to help the climb.. you a so inspirational honey… glad the concierge is on the mend.. have a happy trip cari

    • Susan "Honey" Good says:

      Thank you for your comment, Cari. We all need those wings at times, don’t we! Have a joyful week ahead. Warmly, Honey

  3. Meredith Olson says:

    Beautiful words, Honey. I am on the mend of second hip surgery. Although my husband is here with me at every turn, I felt lonely and isolated. I reached out to new neighbor friends and they were here for me. A little effort made a huge difference.
    Thank you,

    • Susan Good says:

      That is great that you reached out to neighbor friends. Women need woman and they can be right under our nose and we don’t realize it. I am glad you are on the mend. Warmly, Honey

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