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As a woman who has lived through many passages and learned through my larger than life experiences (positive and negative), I’ve discovered how to take a big empowering bite out of life.

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How I Moved to a New Country After 50 & Changed My Life

In today’s guest post, Lisa Hall details how she courageously upended her life and moved to India and the expected and unexpected changes that followed. (She previously shared her tips on staying glamorous in a hot climate and she was featured in my “who to follow on Instagram” list) Indulge in the belief that, if Lisa can make incredible changes to her life after 50, then you can take steps to make small ones. Enjoy, darlings!

Overlooking Hamisar Lake, Bhuj

Overlooking Hamisar Lake, Bhuj

Want to reinvent yourself? If you’ve become bored with your current life, moving to a foreign country is a bold move, but worth considering.

My Journey from Australia to India

My native country is Australia, but for the past 13 years India has been my home. I am not a gypsy at heart, but I realized at the age of 48 my life felt a bit stale. An adventurous attitude was needed if I wanted my life to change. Actively seeking out a different life experience did not come naturally to me, and to this day, the change I made still surprises me.

Leaving Comfort Behind for a New Adventure

A pottery class was a new experience and a way to meet wonderful new people.

It was a bold move to leave behind all the comforts of Sydney and begin an extended stay in the small remote town of Bhuj in Gujarat, India. Nevertheless, this is what I embarked upon in 2012, drawn to Bhuj by its vibrant craft culture and talented artisans.

Finding Relevance in Past Experiences

There was no going back once I’d made the decision to navigate the uncertainty of new beginnings in a different country and culture.

But as I found my feet in this new land, I found so many of my past experiences became relevant again. I believe everything we learn in this life has a reason for something further down the track.

Embracing New Friendships and Personal Growth

The most wonderful aspect of choosing a new country and culture are the people you’ll meet. As you create new friendships relevant to who you are now, you’ll free yourself from situations and people with outdated perceptions of the person you are inside – Escape into a new you of your own creation!

The Freedom to Reinvent Yourself in a New Culture 9 Ways Your Life Will Change

Being a ‘foreigner’ allows you to be different – your new society doesn’t expect you to be exactly like them – this is where opportunity lies for re-invention.

The Shift: A Story of Attitude Change

Overcoming Limiting Beliefs

I’ve always had cats before, but now I have a dog. This is Honey!

Trying out a different way to dress, starting a new hobby, and challenging outdated values are all good ways to realize your full potential. By being open and curious, developing different interests, and seeing new friendships blossom, you’ll become more aware of your true nature.

Broadening Your Mind Through Self-Discovery

Embarking on life in a different country is a journey of self-discovery, and broadens the mind. It will also teach you patience, resilience, and resourcefulness!

Launching Madame Hall: A New Venture in India

Firstly, the move to another country requires funds, and I began my Madame Hall shop on Etsy when I relocated to India. There has been so much to learn!

Discovering New Creative Outlets

Just recently, I became aware I needed another outlet for my creativity. Seeing a chance Instagram post introduced me to Zeel, a very talented potter and young Bhuj artisan.

Embracing Spiritual Values for Cultural Insight

Embracing the spiritual values of your new country gives an insightful understanding of the culture. In a country like India, where religion plays a huge part in daily life, an understanding of the belief system is most insightful.


Creating a Unique Living Space

Home decorating is fun wherever you live, and starting afresh in a new country is no exception. New or new-to-you furniture, textiles, and homewares made by local artisans, vintage finds, and treasures you’ve brought with you, will create an eclectic mix that expresses your unique personality.

Exploring Local Cuisine

You haven’t had chai until you’ve had it handmade in India.

I’ve become confident at cooking Indian food while in Bhuj. My colleague Dipu is an avid cook and always is interested to talk about his most recent culinary delights and share recipes.

Caring for Animals in a New Environment

During my life in India, my lifelong love of animals has not changed. I’d always had cats, but in Australia, I didn’t know any dogs well. This has completely changed now.

Finding Support in New Surroundings

You’ll notice a common thread through my journey of self-discovery. There are always people around willing to help and guide you!

Final Thoughts: Embracing Change and Taking the Plunge

Embarking on life in a different country is a journey of self-discovery. It’s scary, but remember ‘Fortune favors the brave.’ You’ll be amazed how many people, friends, acquaintances, and complete strangers are only too happy to help you when difficulties arise.

If you too have a dream to change your life, get started, and make a plan and do it!

Have you be contemplating a large change after 50 that would benefit your life? What’s been holding you back? Please let share with us in the comments.

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Lisa Hall is an Australian born fashion designer, residing in Bhuj, India since 2012.  Her long career creating costumes for the Australian theatre and film industry has influenced the dramatic flair she now brings to her exclusive Madame Hall collection.
Lisa established Madame Hall textile clothing homewares Pvt Ltd in India to indulge her passion for unique handmade clothing. The human touch is evident in each and every design, all created by her and her talented team of craftspeople in Bhuj, Kutch India.

Lisa is wearing her own Madame Hall designs. Available at Madame Hall Etsy Shop.

Photographed in Bhuj by Ritish Shah – Instagram @ritishshah

Zeel at Studio Tanjun – Instagram @studio_tanjun


August 27, 2024

Advice, Passages After 50

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  1. slope says:

    Great post! I like your content. Keep it please

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